21: better with time

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Adrian: Have fun in New York. Call me when you land. ❤️

Andy couldn't help but to smile at the screen of her phone which was sitting on her lap.
Her simpering didn't last long though -- Prince had emerged from the back curtain with a glass of champagne and something underneath his arm.

He plopped down in the seat across from her.
She looked up, glaring at him in curiosity.

What was he up to now?

Prince was lucky that Andy was in a good mood today.

Why couldn't he just got back to his seat on the other side of the jet?

There was a very valid reason why she'd chosen to sit here - it was away and isolated from him.

It was her, Prince, John, Cassandra, Morris and Ida on this plane. Shelby was already in New York doing some work, Elisa and Liv were to fly out tomorrow morning.

Everyone else were either snoozing, or had their heads buried in a good book.

Andy didn't know how they could do it -- she'd brought two novels along with her to read on the flight but reading while in motion was hard for her to do.

It made her sick to the stomach and it'd always been that way since she was a kid.

Andy pulled her earbuds out of her ears and placed her phone onto the table. She'd been listening to music -- some *NSYNC and Fleetwood Mac to keep her occupied.

That was until Prince had sat down.

She paused her music to see what was going on with him now.

"What do you want?"

"Lose the attitude, I'm just here to show you this."

Prince places a manilla file folder on top of the table and slides it towards her. Reluctantly, debating whether or not to open it, Andy looks up at him and squints.

"What is this?"

"I did a bit of researching a while back and found all of this stuff. I thought you should take a look."

Research on what?

Instead of asking further questions, she dove in and decided to take a look.
Upon reading the each page, word for word, she instantly realized what this folder was.

It was full of Jay's dirty laundry.
It included many of his arrests, his public altercations, gossip, debts, and personal endeavors.

She'd heard about some of these occurrences, some Jay told her about himself but she wasn't aware of the many others.

A lot of these horrible things involved heavy violence and resulted in him being arrested.

He'd been to jail six times in the past year and a half, each time was only spent in custody for a couple days.

So, even if Andy had decided to call the law officials on him, he would be held for a few nights and released again.
What was the point?

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