Sick Stories

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A few weeks past after the dinner and the kids were off from school.

Anne wanted Adrian to stay with her since she hasn't seen her grandchild in a while. So Harry packed up and headed there in the morning, getting back to his house in the afternoon.

It was quiet around the house without Adrian. He took this opportunity to clean around and organize. He was off from work and had nothing else to do.

He decided to text Louis to see what he was up to and if he wanted to hang out somewhere.

Really hoping that Louis would answer so they can spend the afternoon together. He misses his boobear and his fluffy hair.

Half an hour passes and still no answer. Usually Louis takes a few minutes.

Harry begins to think something's wrong and grabs his phone from the counter.

He pressed call and after a few rings, the call is picked up.

"Hello?" A groggy and deep voice ask from the other end.

"Louis? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Harry ask hurriedly, Louis doesn't sound like himself.

"Yea, m'fine. Just a bit sick." He chuckles, which then leads to a bad cough.

"Awe boo, want me to keep you company?"

"I don't want you getting sick Hazza!!" Louis yells in a worry tone.

"How about I bring you some soup?" Harry suggested.

"Yes!" Louis sniffles in excitement.

Harry smiles, "I'll be over in a few."

"But if you get sick it's your fault!!" Louis yells but Harry's already hung the phone up and headed to the kitchen grabbing some chicken and noodles.

Takes a few for everything to get done and the soup is steaming hot. Harry taste it and is pleased.

The drive over to Louis is filled with Adele and Harry singing at the top of his lungs.

He finally gets to the apartment and knocks on the door, it opens but he doesn't see Louis. He doesn't see anyone.

"Uh, Louis?" Harry peeks his head in.

"Leave the soup and leave or risk being infected!" Louis threatens playful as he hides behind the door, shirt over his mouth.

"I happen to have a strong immune system." Harry points out while walking inside and setting the soup on the counter.

"Harry!" Louis whines as he closes the door and drags himself back to the couch and into his cacoon made of blankets.

"Wheres Michael?"

"He's at my mums, I didn't want him catching.. whatever this horrid thing is." Louis replies from under the blankets.

Harry turns and presents the bowl to Louis, but Louis eyes are glued to the TV playing Lovers Choice.

He walks over and places the bowl onto the coffee table in front of Louis while Louis yelling at the TV.

"You can do so much better Melissa!" He yells and throws a pillow toward the TV.

Harry walks infront of the TV to sit next to Louis and he grabs Louis attention. Louis scurries more into the blanket and into the left corner of the sofa.

"Harry, I don't want you sick." He mumbled, covering his face with the blanket.

"Don't worry about me, just eat your soup so you can feel better." He teases and Louis pouts, crawling out of the blankets and picking up the bowl.

"Ow!" He burns his hands with the bowl.

"Are you okay?" Harry quickly moves closer and grabs the bowl with the napkin that was on the table.

An idea sparks inside of Harry.

Louis too busy looking at his fingers that when he looks up, theres a spoon infront of his face.

Louis moves his head and looks at Harry, "Harry," he groans, a blush coating his face.

"You won't get better with that attitude, now open up!" Harry commands, the biggest grin on his face. He felt like a doctor trying to cure a patient and he loved every second of being Louis doctor.

Louis opens up his mouth in defeat, but Harry takes the spoon back and blows at the hot soup a bit. But Harry's luck, he spills it back into the bowl.

Louis burst out into laughter before he's coughing and grabbing his stomach in pain.

"Hey, take it easy. That cough sounds bad." Harry worries.

"Eh, it's nothing." He tells Harry. But he was lying through his teeth. The cough was hurting his lungs and his stomach felt like it was turning inside out.

But he fights the pain and ignores it, grabbing the bowl and taking a scoop of soup, moaning as the flavor hit his tongue.

"Mmm, Harry this is the best soup I've ever had."

Harry smiles at the compliment, "that's just the sickness talking. It's just soup."

"Whatever you say! It's still good." Louis takes another scoop and leans back on the sofa, holding the bowl with the blankets.

The TV is still playing and Louis endeared even more as South Park begins to play.

But Harry's too busy taking glimpses at the man next to him. The way he seems so vulnerable when he's sick, his hair a mess and his eyes a bit red.

He doesn't like it. Louis full of sunshine, his skin glowing and his eyes sparkling blue. Even when he's sick, he's still trying to be as energized as ever.

His soft pink cheeks and thin lips that would fit perfectly with his. The scruff on his face that looks so manly and so hot Harry just wanted to-

"They killed Kenny! You bastard." Louis imitates, dragging Harry out of his thoughts. Louis looks over and smiles at Harry.

Louis shows Harry his bowl and it's empty, he ate every single ounce.

"I'll wash it." Harry offers, reaching for the bowl.

"It's okay. I'm not handicap Harry." He jokes as he gets up.

Harry smiles and shruggs, "okay Mr. Tough guy."

Louis walks over toward the kitchen, but for some strange reason, he doesn't make it there.

A sharp pain hits him in the stomach and his vision goes blurry, then everything turns dark.

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