Sacrifice and Pay the Price

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It was like the police weren't even trying.

Adrian was just another missing kid on a bulletin board accompanied by others who've been lost for months.

"Sir, please calm down. We are looking fo-"

"You're not doing enough!! Why aren't you guys out there looking for him?? He's been kidnapped for Christ sake!!"

"Harry dear, please calm down or nothing will get done." Anne attempts to sit him down but he forces himself back up, he can't sit and relax until he knows his son is okay.

"Have you called Louis?" Anne knew about Louis because that's all he would talk about on the phone when they spoke.

"No." Harry's face begins to sadden a bit. He takes his phone from his pocket and unlocks it. There's a bunch of messages from Louis, then he remembered. Michael had his phone.

The messages were weird at first..

Dadd up frum cowch!!

He just go pee.

He sleep now.

Sumone at door. You Harry?

They nock loud!

And the messages stop there. Harry decides to try and call the phone. After a few rings, the line picks up.

A frail, quiet voice answers.

"Ha-harry?" Michael chokes out through tears.

"Michael?? What's wrong, where are you??" Harry begins to panic.

"I don't know. Adrian here with me.. it's dark."

Harry explodes and runs to the person at the front desk.

In tears, he points to the phone and puts it on speaker, "track this call right now!! My son's on the other side!!" The woman gets up and calls out to some guy on the other side of the station. He runs over with equipment, but he's not fast enough.

A voice is heard yelling in the background of the call.

"I love you Daddy!! Find us-" the call was ended.

That was Adrian's voice. Harry shrivels down, the phone in his hand. Anne rushes next to him and holds his head to her chest, she's crying as much as he is now.

Harry looks up in tears and ask, "did you find..?"

The man shakes his head disappointingly, "there wasn't enough time, I'm sorry."

Harry needed to call Louis. That's all that was on his mind right now. He gets up and tries to call Jay.

"Harry! I'm with Louis right now! Michael's been kidnapped by that bastard Mason!" She screams out in fear, she's been crying too.

"Can you please put Louis on the phone." Harry ask depressingly, he has no energy at all. He just lost any chance he had to find his son, and now he had to speak to Louis, putting what Sarah said to him on replay.

"Harry dear, he's still with Mason."

"Harry dear, he's still with Mason."

"Harry dear, he's still with Ma-"

"Harry?" His voice sounded as hurt as Harry's was, devestated and not wanting to go on until their children were found.

"Lou, where are you?" Harry asked.

"My mum's. I called the police when I couldn't find Michael and they still haven't shown up."

"I need you to come to the police station in Holmes Chapel. I'll send you the address."

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