Love can Conquer

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One year later. 

"Louis, can you hand me that box over there?" Harry ask as he points towards the doorway. Louis looks up from his phone and looks over to where Harry was pointing to. 

"Sure love," he lets go of his phone and brings the box to Harry, Harry reaches for it but Louis pulls it back and gives Harry a stern look before placing it on the floor. 

"Don't push yourself too hard Harold, the kids can help us unpack once they get out of school," he sits on the box and crosses his legs, then his arms. Harry gives a small pout, but agrees in defeat. Louis smiles and leans over, planting a small kiss on Harry's forehead. Harry wasn't still healing from the gunshot, but it would hurt here and then, so he had to be extra careful. 

"Speaking of kids, isn't it about time to get them?" Harry ask as he turns away and begins rummaging through the boxes once again. Louis gently pulls Harry into his arms, frightening the younger man, but he giggles as he feels small kisses along his neck. 

"Almost, 30 more minutes I'd say. What shall we do till then I wonder?"

Harry can hear the mischievous tone in Louis voice and knows exactly what he was planning.

(wink wink ;)  

"Let's play Mario Kart!!" he yells in excitement, jumping over Harry's head and landing right on top of him, grabbing the game cube controller. 

(Ya nasty perverts. Shame.)

Harry grabs his controller from beside Louis and they soon start up the game. 

"So between me and you, who's in front and who's behind?" Harry ask.

"I think we kinda share that really--" Louis replies. "Yea, sometimes you take the front..."

"Sometimes I take the front." Harry adds, nodding his head in agreement. "You know if you're a bit tired, I'll go behind and push you along." Harry smiles.

"We're both quite generous to each other," Louis pats Harry's lap. "You know sometimes you should get to do what you want to do and go first."

"Thanks love," Harry gives Louis a big hug from behind. 

"Why don't you too just fuck already?" a thick Irish voice from the window frightens them.

"Niall!" Harry yells before throwing a pillow at the window. "How long have you been there??"

"long enough to know who truly tops." Niall burst out into laughter as he makes his way around the house to the front door. Louis gets up, shaking his head and laughing as well. 

He opens the door to reveal a Niall still cackling, his hand on his stomach and the other holding a basket filled with hone necessities. Louis grabs the basket and closes the door right as Niall looks up, tears building up in his eyes. 

The door slams and a loud "Hey!" is heard on the other side. Louis screams a 'thank you!' and places it on the table. 

"That was a bit...rude." Harry finally speaks, as he was too embarrassed to say anything. 

"It's what the little shit deserved. Now, back to what we started." Louis goes for the control but Harry stops him. 

"We need to get the kids Lou," Harry informs as he makes his way up to get his shoes.

"Ughhh I didn't get to playyy." Louis wines. 

"You'll play later, once the rest of these boxes are unpacked."

"Yes mom." Louis shrugs and goes to find his shoes in the messy boxes labeled "Tommo".

Once in the car, Louis gets in the drivers seat and Harry steals his phone to plug into the aux cord. Tapping on one of his favorite songs. 

It's the guy from the one band
Cigarette in my left hand
Whole world in my right hand
25 and it's all planned
Night out and it's 10 grand
Headlines that I can't stand

Harry nods his head to the beat while humming the sweet tune. He then starts to sing the next part and Louis face turns as red as an apple. 

But you only get half of the story
The cash and the cars, and the glory
No sleep and we party 'till morning
'Cause nobody cares when you're boring

Louis had one of the sweetest voices Harry's ever heard in his life. A bit gruff and a bit of highness, there was no exact way to describe it because it was that perfect. 

I'm just like you, even though my problems look nothing like yours do
Yeah, I get sad too, and when I'm down I need somebody to talk to
Yeah, I feel the same as you do
Same stress, same shit to go through
I'm just like you if you only knew

After a few minutes, they finally reach the school yard, the bell soon rings and children flood out of the school doors. It only takes a few seconds for them to find the two boys. 

"Hi dad! Hi Daddy!" The two boys greet their fathers. 

"Hey Mikey, Hi Adri." They greet back.

"How was school today?" Harry turns and ask, Michael seated behind Louis, and Adrian seated behind Harry. The two boys have grown a bit, Michael being taller than Adrian, but Adrian's hair has grown a bit longer. He still wear glasses and has become one of the many honors students, Michael following right behind. The two were such an amazing pair, Michael helps with sports and psychical activities while Adrian helps with school work.

"Pretty easy," Michael replies with a smug as he whispers into Adrian's ear. 

"Michael thinks he's better in math than me just cause he got a higher grade." Adrian says while laughing at what Michael said. 

"Really??" The car makes a sudden jolt before Louis realizes he's driving. "Sorry, good job kiddo!"

Once they arrived at the apartment, everyone exited the car except Louis. 

"Lou, you coming?" Harry ask confused. 

"Uh I gotta get a few things done, I'll be back as soon as I can." Louis smiles before leaning out of the car and giving Harry a small peck on the lips.

"Love you," Louis says to the curly haired lad before him. 

"Love you too," Harry's heart flutters at the sound of that word. 

Louis puts the car in drive, "be safe!" Harry yells as he drives off. Louis gives a quick wave before picking the window up and driving off. 

"He'd do anything to avoid unpacking," Harry says to himself as he shakes his head and chuckles. 




A buzzer sounds and a gate clicks open. Louis walks forward as the gate closes back up again behind him. He takes a deep breath in, his hands weren't shaking, he wasn't sweating.No sign of him being nervous. He just needed answers. 

He sat at the table where the man across from him had his head placed down. 

"Mason, pick your head up," Louis demanded, frightening the man. 

"Lou-Louis?!" Mason yelled in excitement. 

"Lower your voice, we are not outside." 

Mason calmed himself down and listened. Soon, another man came in, he was wearing a black suit and tie, a yellow envelope enclosed in his grip. The man hands the paper to Louis. Mason tries to peek over but Louis catches him and gives him a look, leading Mason to sit down in fear of making Louis mad. 

Louis begins to open the envelope, pulling out the string and unwrapping its contents. Within the envelope, a paper. 

A paper stating a 99.98% DNA match.   

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