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The next morning when Yoongi wakes up, he realizes Jimin is gone, and panics. Yoongi can feel the panic and tears overcoming him. Jimin rushes into the room.

"Don't cry! I'm right here, there's no need to cry. I'm sorry for leaving you alone. Let's go have breakfast?" Yoongi fits into Jimin's arms perfectly and suddenly Jimin feels an impulse to carry Yoongi, so he does. Jimin sits Yoongi down on the sofa and gives him a piece of bread and orange juice for breakfast (yes, Yoongi is a small eater), and settles down next to Yoongi with a cup of coffee. Yoongi stares up at Jimin as Pororo plays on the TV. Jimin can feel Yoongi's stare and looks into his eyes.

"What is it, baby?" Jimin reaches to pull Yoongi closer. Yoongi looks away, not daring to look Jimin in the eye, and he can already feel the heat on his face.

"I... want you to be my Daddy." Yoongi wonders with awe how he managed to get that whole sentence out without stuttering even once. Jimin immediately flushes, but his response is unhesitant.

"Sure, baby." Jimin can't tear his eyes away from Yoongi's adorable gummy smile, so he leans in and kisses Yoongi, pulling away to reveal a red and giggling Yoongi. I finally have a Daddy now!

After breakfast, Jimin helps Yoongi wash up and dresses him in a pastel blue shirt, matching with a pair of grey pants.

"You look so cute right now, baby." Yoongi giggles, throwing himself at Jimin's chest. Jimin wraps his arms around Yoongi, taking in the scent of baby powder on Yoongi.

"Yoongi, what do you wanna do today?" Yoongi puts his finger on his chin in thought and Jimin can't help but scream a little inside. Yoongi's face brightens up, as if he's got an idea.

"I wanna... go out with friends." Seeing Jimin not responding, Yoongi panics and immediately adds on, "I-if Daddy wants to..." Jimin realizes he hadn't responded – he was too caught up in Yoongi – and gasped. Yoongi looks at Jimin, the concern evident on his face.

"Daddy... are you okay?" Jimin nods hurriedly.

"Yes, yes, Daddy was just too caught up in staring at you. Let's go out with Hoseok and his Little, and my Little friend and his Daddy, too, okay?" Yoongi blushes and nods excitedly.

Two phone calls and an hour later, Yoongi is sitting on Jimin's lap at the bench outside the aquarium.

"Why are they taking so long?" Yoongi grumbles, folding his arms. Jimin rubs Yoongi's back.

"Be patient, baby. Maybe there's traffic." Yoongi sighs, snuggling closer to Jimin. A few families stare weirdly at Yoongi, but Jimin glares at them and they immediately look away. No one is to hurt Yoongi in any way. Jimin is more protective today because it's probably Yoongi's first time in public while being Little and Jimin doesn't want him to get hurt.

Suddenly, Yoongi jumps up and runs toward someone in the distance. For a moment, Jimin panics, worrying that Yoongi would get lost, but he sees someone embracing Yoongi, and Yoongi whispers something in his ear. Hoseok. Yoongi seems incredibly happy in the man's arms, so Jimin just lets him cling onto Hoseok as they approach him.

"Nice to meet you, Jimin right?" Hoseok extends a hand. Jimin smiles and nods.

"You too, Hoseok. Yoongi seems to love you a lot." Hoseok laughs, and Jimin feels like he's heard the sound of angels descending from Heaven.

"Ah, yes, we've been friends since elementary school. He just told me about him asking you to be his Daddy. He's really happy, you know. He's told me so much about how you'd be perfect and you're so kind and gentle and hot and cute at the same time." Yoongi buries his burning face in Hoseok's neck and Jimin blushes too. Hoseok gestures to the boy standing next to him, who's busy tickling Yoongi.

"This is my little, Taehyung. Say hi, Taehyung." Taehyung looks down at Jimin.

"Hello, Jimin-hyung!" Taehyung turns to whisper to Hoseok, but unfortunately, toddlers' whispering skills aren't that great. Jimin catches what he says.

"Why is he so short?" Hoseok's expression immediately darkens and when he speaks, his voice is husky.

"Do you wanna get punished? Just wait till tonight." Taehyung's face turns red and he looks away. As Jimin is about to ask what Hoseok plans on punishing Taehyung with, a familiar voice calls out.

"Jiminie-hyung!" Jimin's turns around and sees Namjoon running towards him, with Seokjin walking slowly behind him and smiling. Even though Namjoon is older than Jimin in real life, in headspace he's younger, so he calls Jimin "hyung". Jimin pats Namjoon's head and waves to Seokjin.

"Alright, let's go in! I already got tickets."

Yoongi clings onto Jimin and doesn't let go. Jimin whispers to him, "What's wrong?" Yoongi casts a look at Namjoon and Seokjin.

"Oh, are you shy? You're so cute, baby. Let's go introduce you." Yoongi reluctantly goes to Namjoon and Seokjin with Jimin.

"This is my Little, Yoongi." Yoongi waves shyly at Namjoon, and Namjoon laughs.

"I'm Namjoon!" Namjoon takes Yoongi's hand and bounds off to Taehyung to play. Yoongi smiles slightly. Seokjin leans closer to Jimin.

"So, you like being a Daddy?" Jimin chuckles.

"Well, Yoongi's really cute. Anything for him. But... I heard Hoseok say something about punishing Taehyung tonight. What's he gonna do to him?" Seokjin laughs.

"Oh, Jimin. Well, I guess since you're new you wouldn't know. He's probably gonna spank Taehyung. Typical punishment." Jimin's eyes widen.

"Am I gonna have to do that to Yoongi?" Seokjin winks at Jimin.

"Maybe one day." Jimin flushes a deep red and quickens his footsteps, not wanting to dwell on the subject. But as he looks around for Namjoon and Yoongi, he realizes they're gone.

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