8 - end

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a/n: hey everyone!!! happy jimin day! thank you all SO SO SO MUCH for 10k++! i really never would've expected this lousy fic i started writing to become this successful, and i have only you guys to thank for all the support. ♥️♥️♥️ this is the last chapter, and my heart is literally beating so fast as i'm writing this because this has really been such a long road with all you guys 😭💓 i'm literally SO emo rn. i've been writing Being Little for about 4 months now (since the start of July) and i've just ended it. oh my god i feel like crying this fic has been my best one yet and i've really really enjoyed writing it and i'm so reluctant to end it, when i end a fic it's like the characters in it and their personalities just die, but i guess all good things come to an end, don't they. this version of yoongi and jimin will always stay in my heart ( and my computer ;) ) i hope you guys enjoyed this fic but don't worry i'll be writing other fics! i'm working on a new one right now and it's, of course, yoonmin. love y'all so much and hope y'all are satisfied with the ending :3

Yoongi sniffs at the pile of sticky, mushy, yet delicious-smelling goo in the bowl in front of him. He reaches out to dip his finger into the goo, sucking it all off his finger and moaning at the taste.

"Daddy, the goo tastes so good, it feels like I'm in Heaven!" Yoongi swipes another finger-ful of the goo and sticks his finger in front of Jimin's face. "Try it! I promise it's really, really good." Jimin laughs, licking the goo off Yoongi's finger.

Jimin licks his lips and nods. "Yes, baby, the cookie dough tastes super-duper good. Especially since you made it!" Yoongi giggles and unsuccessfully tries to fight Jimin off as Jimin tickles him.

"Da-heh-ddy sto- HAHAHA!" Yoongi tumbles to the floor, dragging his Daddy down along with him. Jimin's lying on top of Yoongi, their noses almost touching. For a moment, they stare into each other's eyes, cheeks red partially from the laughter and partially from the promising position they're currently in.

"Daddy?" Yoongi doesn't understand the weird feeling that's bubbling up inside him. It feels like... all Yoongi wanted to do was stay with Jimin forever and ever. Yoongi wonders if it's "love". Taehyung used to ramble to him about love, love and love and how he loved his Daddy a lot and he kissed his Daddy because he loved him. Yoongi didn't understand back then. But Yoongi thinks he does now. Yoongi suddenly feels an impulse, and he lifts his head slightly so that Jimin and Yoongi's lips are touching. Yoongi snakes his arms around Jimin's back and pulls him closer, and everything feels so hot and Yoongi doesn't want to stop. (btw, I won't include smut in here because ahEM) They kiss until they're both gasping for air and they have to pull away from each other. Jimin props himself up on his arms over Yoongi.

"Baby, did I ever tell you how much I love you?" Yoongi turns even redder, if that was possible. Yoongi mumbles, too shy to look Jimin in the eye, "I love you too, Daddy. A lot. I wanna stay with you forever." Jimin chuckles at Yoongi's adorable confession and stands back up, reaching out a hand to Yoongi.

Jimin winks, "We still gotta bake those cookies, baby." Yoongi nods, showing off his gummy smile and taking Jimin's hand. Jimin tries not to squeal. He fails. Jimin teaches Yoongi how to scoop dollops of cookie dough onto the baking sheet using an ice cream scoop, and watches fondly while Yoongi stumbles adorably while trying not to spill any dough. Jimin wakes up from his daydreams when Yoongi shouts.

"Daddy, I'm done!" Yoongi taps on Jimin's chest with the dough-covered ice cream scoop, and his eyes widen when he realizes he'd dirtied Jimin's shirt.

"I'm sorry Daddy~ I didn't mean to do that!" Yoongi gives his best puppy look in hopes of Jimin forgiving him. He knows Jimin would forgive him anyway. Jimin cups Yoongi's face.

"I know that, Baby. You don't have to make that puppy face, by the way. I can tell when you're doing it. And I'm not saying that I don't totally fall for it." Jimin finds it cute the way a tinge of pink sneaks onto Yoongi's face when he utters that sentence. Jimin also finds it cute the way Yoongi's dollops of dough are messy and way too close together that they'd probably merge while baking. He shrugs inwardly. Jimin laughs and grabs the oven mitts, placing the tray into the oven at 375 degrees and sets the timer for 15 minutes. Yoongi claps his hands.

"Are they done now?" Yoongi bends down and tilts his head to look in the oven. Jimin backhugs Yoongi and carries him toward the living room, laughing at his innocence.

"Baby, it'll take 15 minutes." Jimin sits on the couch, pulling Yoongi onto his lap. Yoongi whines.

"I want to eat the cookies now!" Yoongi folds his arms and pouts. Jimin caresses Yoongi's hair.

"Patience, baby. What do you wanna do while waiting? How about we play with your plushies?" Yoongi delightedly agrees, already rushing off to their room. He reappears carrying an armful of plushies, with one plushie falling off his pile. Jimin and Yoongi play until they hear the "ding" of the oven and Yoongi runs to the kitchen and reaches to open the oven before Jimin can stop him. Yoongi leaps back with a yelp, clutching his hand, tears already brimming in his eyes. He looks to Jimin for help.

"Baby, why did you do that? You should've waited for me! Patience, baby. Does it hurt a lot?" Jimin bends down to inspect Yoongi's hand. Fortunately, it's just a superficial burn and Jimin didn't have to worry much besides the fact that Yoongi was trying his very best to hold back his tears and Jimin found it extremely cute of him to try to be brave, and it distracted him from the task at hand. Jimin brings Yoongi over to the sink and runs cold water over the burn, praising Yoongi for being brave and not crying. Yoongi smiles slightly. Daddy thinks I'm brave!

Jimin gives care to Yoongi's burn and asks him to wait on the couch while he takes out the cookies and sets them on a plate. The scent of cookies makes Yoongi drool but "patience, Yoongi" and Yoongi decides to be a good boy and wait patiently for his Daddy to bring the cookies to him. (Yoongi doesn't actually know what "patience" means, but he knows that if he sits still and waits for Jimin to do things, Jimin'll be happy. And he definitely wants Jimin to be happy.) Jimin brings out the cookies and already has one in his hand to feed Yoongi. Yoongi opens his mouth wide and bites down on the cookie as Jimin pretends the cookie is an aeroplane. The sweet and soft goodness appeases his tastebuds and he grins, showing off the half-chewed cookie in his mouth. Jimin pretends to be very disgusted and Yoongi giggles. Yoongi picks up another cookie and stuffs it in Jimin's mouth.

"Daddy, do you like it?" Yoongi says with his mouth full. Jimin leans in close to Yoongi.

"Of course I do. It's made by my one and only baby." Yoongi swallows his cookie, and so does Jimin. Jimin stares into Yoongi's eyes. "You have no idea how much I love you."

Yoongi giggles and leans in closer, "I think I do, Daddy." And Jimin and Yoongi's lips are touching.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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