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yes i know ! i'm finally posting
after about a month... i'm sorry!!
i was busy with school + i had
writer's block :/
nevertheless, i hope y'all enjoy this part :)) i promise the next part's coming soon!

Jimin sits at his desk, hitting the keyboard aggressively as he rushes to finish writing his report. Yoongi pokes Jimin in the side repeatedly.

"Oh my gosh, Yoongi could you please stop? I'm trying to do work here!" Jimin yells. Yoongi shrinks back, trembling, and Jimin realizes too late he said the wrong thing. He reaches over to hold Yoongi's hand and apologise, but Yoongi dodges Jimin's touch and abruptly stands, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand and rushing off to his room. Jimin's heart sinks when he hears the distinct sound of a door slamming shut and the lock turning. He runs a hand through his light pink hair.

"What have I done?" He sighs and decides to give Yoongi space to cool down before he apologises and tries to make Yoongi not hate him again.

Hours pass, and it's almost bed time for Yoongi. Usually Yoongi would come ask Jimin to tuck him in, but Jimin's afraid he'd hoped too much tonight. Yoongi was obviously still upset, maybe even scared of Jimin. Jimin groans and sighs. He'd messed up. Big time. Jimin lingers outside their room, in a dilemma if he should open the door or not. Finally, he makes up his mind and knocks gently on the wooden door. All he gets in response are muffled sobs, and Jimin can't deny that his heart breaks a little. He caused this. He made Yoongi cry.

Self-loathing fills Jimin as a tiny voice whispers just loud enough for Jimin to hear if he listens hard enough, "Go away. I want to sleep alone tonight." Jimin can imagine Yoongi curled up in a ball on their bed, sheets probably wet with tears. But Jimin just ignores the wet substance flowing down his cheeks and walks toward the room that he used to inhabit before he started sleeping with Yoongi. Jimin flops down onto the old bed, one leg dangling off the bed. On every other day, he'd shift his leg, fearing the "monster" under the bed, but he doesn't really care at this point. All that occupies his mind is Yoongi, Yoongi, Yoongi. Yoongi being sad. Yoongi crying. Yoongi not wanting him. Nevertheless, Jimin slowly drifts away from reality and sleep takes over.

Jimin is awoken by the clanging of kitchenware. Yoongi. Yoongi's up. Jimin shoots up and rushes into the kitchen. Yoongi is dressed in a grey top and white shorts. He turns to look at Jimin.

"Good morning, Jimin. I'm making pancakes. Take a seat; I've set the table." Jimin can't help but purse his lips in dismay — Yoongi's Big.

Jimin nods, "Just a moment hyung, I need to pee real bad." Jimin takes his leave as Yoongi grunts in response. Peeking into Yoongi's room, Jimin finds the plushies kicked into a corner of the room and Yoongi's dark aesthetic back. Yoongi must have stayed up to rearrange his room back to black. Even the sheets were changed from the childish teddy bear pattern to grey. Jimin strides over to the pile of plushies and arranges them properly in rows. Jimin strokes the brown bear plushie's neck. Yoongi's favourite. Jimin still remembers the day he found out Yoongi was a Little, Yoongi had hugged that bear plushie to sleep. Yoongi also had hugged Jimin to sleep.

"Mr. Snuggles... don't worry, I'll get Little Yoongi back in no time." Jimin whispers, allowing a grin to form on his face. Little Yoongi sure has rubbed off on him. What was he doing talking to a teddy bear? Mr. Snuggles seems to understand, blue beady eyes staring back into Jimin's brown ones. Jimin sighs, placing Mr. Snuggles carefully back in his position and leaving the room, remembering to close the door behind him. Big Yoongi likes his privacy, Jimin recalls.

"Jimin-ah, hurry! You don't want your pancakes to get cold!"

"Coming!" Jimin rushes into the kitchen, sliding into his seat beside Yoongi and taking a big bite out of his pancake. Jimin hums in delight. Yoongi remembered he likes his pancakes with extra whipped cream. Jimin clears space in his mind for happiness, and lets himself stray away from the topic of Little Yoongi for a while. Jimin looks up to see Yoongi staring at him with the fondest gaze anyone could ever have, but Yoongi immediately looks away, cheeks tinted pink. Jimin giggles and leans over to peck Yoongi on the lips. Yoongi shows off his gummy smile, catching Jimin's plump lips with his own and biting onto Jimin's lower lip. Jimin relishes the kiss that he hasn't had in a long time before pulling away. Yoongi's lips are redder and slightly swollen, and a giggle slips out of Jimin's lips. Yoongi grins playfully and goes back to eating his breakfast. Jimin watches for signs of Little-ness, but Yoongi shows none. Jimin isn't too disappointed. At least Yoongi is happy. And Jimin isn't going to lie, he enjoyed the kiss. Maybe they'd kiss like that when Yoongi is Little too. Maybe even go even further than making out. Jimin catches himself before having those thoughts at breakfast, and wipes the thought out of his mind, focusing on Yoongi.

Big or Little, Jimin knew that he loved Yoongi with all his heart.

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