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"Oh shit, Hoseok, where are Namjoon and Yoongi?" Jimin is on the verge of crying. First day out with Little Yoongi, and he gets lost. Seokjin's panicking too, pulling at his hair and calling out "Namjoon"s and "Yoongi"s and "goddammit"s. To be honest, Jimin has never seen Seokjin this worked up before. It just goes to show how much Seokjin loves Namjoon, I guess. I mean, Seokjin's worried because Namjoon's missing, and Yoongi is too, and – suddenly, Jimin crumples to the floor. The realization that Yoongi is really missing was starting to kick in. Yoongi was missing. Lost. Possibly never to be found. Jimin feels heat trickling down his cheeks and he knows he has to find Yoongi, has to find Namjoon. Yoongi needed Jimin's protection. Jimin runs toward the sting ray exhibit, where Yoongi was attracted to when they walked past it previously. Maybe, just maybe, Yoongi would be there. But he wasn't. The small figure Jimin was so desperately looking for ceased to be there, in Jimin's vision, for Jimin to hug, to console that everything's okay, that Jimin would never lose sight of Yoongi again. But Jimin did. And Jimin starts to wonder if he was a good Daddy, if responsible Daddies did this, if Yoongi deserved Jimin. Which Jimin knew, the answer to that was no. Yoongi was probably mad at Jimin right now for letting him go, for not taking care of him, and Yoongi was probably going to ditch Jimin and ask him not to be his Daddy anymore. Jimin's nose was running and he decided he should, too. But as Jimin started walking away, he heard something that sounded like Yoongi whimpering from a distance away. Jimin's eyebrows knitted together, anger starting to rise from within him, and rounded the bend.

There Yoongi and Namjoon were, both crouched down and cheeks glistening with tears. And standing above them, picking at them, were three boys, probably in high school. Jimin was pretty sure his face was fully red with anger right then, and his fists were balled up, but he didn't really care then. He just needed to get Yoongi and Namjoon out of there.

"Hey! You three jerks!" the three boys turn to face Jimin, and Jimin swears that when one of them mutters under their breath "Look, there's a shortie trying to stand up for those two babies. Hilarous!", he loses it. He charges forward and slaps the three students.

"How fucking dare you do this to my Yoongi and Namjoon. Get out of here. And if I ever see you bullying others again, I'll beat the living daylight out of you. Got that? Now get out before I fucking report you to the police." The boys put their hands up in mock surrender, but leave Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon be, stalking away with cuts across their left cheeks. Kids with their attitudes. Jimin kneels next to Yoongi and Namjoon.

"Shit, are you guys okay? Are you hurt? What did they do to you?" Yoongi was in a state of shock, so Namjoon had to explain everything.

"We wanted to go to the stingray exhibition, but Yoongi tripped, and I wanted to go to Daddy but Yoongi said he could get up, so I tried helping Yoongi, but then he fell again and grazed his knee. He started crying and— and those three Big boys came and started bullying us. They kicked me too." Namjoon pointed at a bruise on his leg. Jimin nodded, even more furious now that he knew what had happened. Jimin looked at Yoongi's grazed knee.

"Baby, are you hurt besides your knee?" Yoongi shook his head. He leant onto Jimin suddenly, sobbing.

"Daddy... Daddy, I tried forcing myself to be Big and stand up for myself. I wanted to be Big for Daddy, I didn't want Daddy to worry, I didn't mean for all this to happen, but I just couldn't be Big! I- I failed, Daddy..." Jimin hugged Yoongi closer.

"Baby, it's okay. I'll bring you home, okay? We can talk about this at home, after we get you all comfy. Let's go home." Jimin picked Yoongi up with a swift movement, holding Namjoon's hand and going back to where Hoseok and Taehyung were. Hoseok, upon seeing Jimin arrive, immediately rushed over with Taehyung, grabbing Namjoon's hand.

"Holy shit, what happened? I'm glad they're fine, though. Let me call Seokjin." Seokjin came, sprinting towards them, scooping Namjoon up in a hug.

"Fuck, baby, I'm so relieved you're fine. You have no idea how worried I was." Namjoon giggled, but his expression saddened as he pointed at his bruise.

"Oh shit, Jimin, what happened?" Jimin related the whole situation and how he had found Yoongi and Namjoon to them as they walked towards the carpark. Hoseok gasped and his hand flew to his mouth. Seokjin growled.

"If I were there, I would have beat those kids to a pulp. Such immature people, picking on others just because they're different." Namjoon smiled at how tough his Daddy was, earning a kiss on the lips from Seokjin. Yoongi puckered his lips at Jimin, expecting a kiss too. Chuckling, Jimin pecked him on the lips. Taehyung looked up at Hoseok expectantly, causing Hoseok to lean down and kiss him, too. Taehyung stuck his tongue in Hoseok's mouth, and they started making out. Yoongi stared at them in confusion.

"Daddy, what are they doing?" Jimin shielded Yoongi's eyes.

"You're too young for that, baby." Yoongi giggled, wrapping his hand around Jimin's and pulling it down.

"When I get older will you tell me?" Jimin nodded, grinning.

"I will."

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