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Haru opened his eyes. He was extremely hot, like he'd been sitting in a hot spring for three hours. He tuned his head to figure out where on earth he was, slowly remembering that he was at Rin's place in his bed. He tried moving but there was a heavy weight pressing him into the bed. The source of his heat filled misery was asleep sprawled out across his chest. Rin nuzzled his cheek into Haru's chest, constricting his arms tighter around the boy.

Haru tried to wiggle out of the fiery boy's embrace but failed miserably. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling. This wasn't so bad, just extremely hot. Rin groaned and threw one of his legs over Haru's waist. Now he was literally laying on top of the poor boy. Haru's urges took over before his brain could. He slowly brought his hand up and pushed a lock of red hair out of Rin's face, smiling to himself when Rin leaned into his touch. He had to get up though. Gently, not really, he poked Rin on the shoulder until he started to stir.

Rin's eyes fluttered open, taking in his surroundings very slowly. He felt something solid and moving underneath his body. He looked up to see Haru looking at him, their noses almost touching. Then Rin realized that he was laying coiled around the raven haired boy. He flew off the bed so fast that he didn't realize that his foot was caught in the blanket, so he ended up face down on the floor. He looked up at Haru, roses blooming across his face.

"I-I...uh...sorry," he stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck. It was hard trying to look anywhere but the raven haired boy's emotionless face. It was just so pretty and Haru didn't even know. He brought his right hand up and rubbed the bridge of his nose, head feeling as though it might explode from not only embarrassment but a major hangover also.

"Ok." Haru swung his legs over the side of the bed, planting his feet firmly on the cold hardwood floor. He kinda wished that Rin hadn't apologized. He stood and walked to the bathroom, realizing that he was only wearing his boxers after he was about ten feet from the bathroom. He could feel Rin's gaze on him, face deepening to a light shade of pink. Yes the infamous Haruka Nanase has showed a sign of emotion, let us throw a party and cry with joy.

A/N: I mentally face palmed at that last sentence for my sarcasm but I want it there. Bite me.

Haru smiled to himself and turned on the tap, splashing water on his face. It's not salt water or pool water but it helped all the same.

The Raven haired boy ran a hand down his face to wipe off any excess water. He turned and looked over at Rin. Said boy turned his face quickly away, cheeks a deep crimson color.

"Don't you have school today?" Haru sort of knew Rin's class schedule, not that Rin knew that. Yes I know he seems like creeper but he had to know what days he could actually hang out with Rin. So he may or may not have went to Rin's college and asked for his class schedule. For a top notch school they didn't ask that many questions.

"Oh shit." Rin looked over at the clock then jumped up and ran into the bathroom, shoving Haru out of the way. He quickly shut the door and started tearing off his clothes. He had about 30 minutes until he had to get to class. He turned on the shower and jumped in, letting out a small shriek because the water was freezing like usual. You'd think he would be used to it by now but he wasn't expecting the coldness at the moment. He powered through it and jumped out. He opened the bathroom door and walked out. Haru was standing there wide eyed by the bed, his face an extremely dark shade of crimson. He turned away and pointed south. Rin looked down slowly, realizing he was butt naked. He let out a small cry and ran back into the bathroom, quickly grabbing his towel and wrapping it around his waist. That was embarrassing, to get caught naked by the boy you like. He walked out of the bathroom again and rubbed the back of neck.

"Sorry 'bout that." He laughed that awkward laugh that all people end up doing when they're embarrassed.

"I-um. Yeah, ok." Haru wouldn't meet his eyes and Rin didn't blame him. His glorious body was too much for most people to handle. "Don't you need to get ready for school? You have like 15 minutes to get there."

A/N: Imma just stop there today. I'm sorta not happy with how this ended up but oh whale.

Onto another subject: I have gotten myself addicted to BTS (if you don't know who they are it's probably because you live under a rock. They're a K-pop, Korean pop, boy band.) Anyone ready for Map of the Soul?

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