Thanks Guys!!! + a please read

3.2K 62 15

(The 'please read' is at the bottom.)

Holy shizzzz. First, I'd like to thank my beautiful loving readers, who are so freaking supportive. You guys are the reason I write. Second, I'd like to thank my goofball friend Cas, because she's world and I honestly love her to bits.

3 FREAKING K!!!!!!!! I honestly didn't think that anyone would read my terrible fanfic but my readers always surprise me. I have new works that I'm currently writing for you guys that I'm too lazy to publish, because I know there is a good chance that I'd end up discontinuing them.

I love you guyssssss❤️
~K.D/Fen/Kieran/Etc. (Cause I forgot the rest.
I change my name on here too much.)

Hi, it's been a minute, hasn't it? I would like to say thank you to all of the wonderful people who read this terrible fanfic I wrote almost 3 years ago. I still can't believe it's made it to 12K reads! I have a favor to ask, though. Would some - or all - of you give me your honest opinions on this? I just want to know how I can make my works more enjoyable for you guys and improve personally as a writer.

Much love,

Well hello there my beautiful weebs. It's been awhile, hasn't it? I'd like to say a few things. First, thank a you bunch for 18K, that really means a lot to me. Second, the world is going through a tough time right now. After the murder of George Floyd, there has been riots, protests, and looting. The Black Lives Matter Movement is something that is truly important and I would like to ask all of you from the bottom of my heart, to participate in any way possible to make the Black community heard. If you participate in rioting or protesting, please be safe and wear a mask. Today's police are part of a corrupt society that keeps getting worse. You guys could get hurt or worse. If you can't protest, share your voice through social media or sign petitions/donate. White silence equals white consent.
Here are some petitions that I signed and hopefully you will too:


Much love,

Shark Bait (Rinharu)Where stories live. Discover now