Chapter 3

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Dipper's and Pacifica's Love Story

Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls. I know that these chapters are pretty slow and short, but I promise that as the story progresses, I will try to make it longer. Also sorry if I missed some grammar here and there, or lots of grammar. Anyway, Enjoy

Chapter 3

Dipper's POV

I woke up at about 9:30 in the morning. I got out of bed and saw that Mabel was already out of bed. That's weird, I thought, usually I wake up before Mabel does. I got dressed and went down the stairs to find Grunkle Stan making Stan Cakes.

"You want some Stan Cakes, Dipper?"

"I think I will passed."

"Suit yourself."

I went to the pantry and ate some cereal. I while I ate I thought about the night before, and I really wondered if I actually liked Pacifica or not. I did similar things with Wendy, I stayed up all night thinking about if she likes me and all, but is this one of those times? I finished up, got my journal, and ran outside to find a blonde girl waiting for me.

"Pacifica?" I was startled, "what are you doing here?"

She turned to me and said, "Oh just wanted to wait for you, my parents are out of town today and I thought of hanging out with you." She blushed a little, but looked away quickly.

"That's a first, well if you want to hang out then I guess you are free to join me on this mystery hunt for this treasure. I was looking through my journal and I found a treasure map on it, I would have done this with Mabel, but she is nowhere to be found."

"That would be fun" she said.

"Okay, cool, uh, can you wait here for a moment?"

I ran back inside and quickly left a note for Stan, just in case if he wondered where I was, (which he never does) he knows. I ran back outside and joined Pacifica. We walked into the woods and started to follow the map.

I made my move.

"So Pacifica, what made you want to hang out with me? You have other friends so I would assume I would be your last resort."

She looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes and said, "I just wanted to spend some time with you."

We both blushed and continued walking. I thought to myself, Oh my Gosh, she actually likes me, and I can't believe this is happening! Just stay calm and focus on the point at hand, Pacifica comes later, but I can't keep my mind-off of her, her lovely blonde hair (even if it is fake), her good looking smile really enlightens my day, ahhhhhh, I can't stop thinking about her. And before I knew it, I walked straight into a tree.

"You okay Dipper?" She was laughing when she said it.

"I am fine, real men don't feel pain" I touched my arm chest and felt a small, yet painful, sharp pain. Pacifica laughed and rolled her eyes at me. I can't believe that this is working. Just a week ago Pacifica Northwest, the most hated girl in Gravity Falls was asking me for my help to bust a ghost for her. I remember when I told Mabel and her friends about how bad she was, and then to my surprise, she was right outside my door. Kind of what like happened today. I then walked into another tree.

"Are you alright Dipper? You seem to keep losing your train of thought. How's that map going?"

"Oh yeah the map!" I looked at it and I saw that we were heading for a cave. Deep inside the cave was where the treasure is supposed to be. "Yeah we are heading for in the right direction" my voiced cracked in the middle of that sentence.

"Hahaha, Dipper, your voice is one of a kind." She stopped walking and paused. "That's what people said about me a long time ago, the people just like me for my looks now, not my voice. People don't realize that I am not that spoiled rich girl, I am just like you and Mabel. I am naturally gifted with a singing voice, but except for the party a long time ago, I haven't really sang."

I jumped in, "Why don't you sing something now?"

She laughed for a quick second, "I-I don't know, you will just laugh from how bad it is. You weren't there at the party so you didn't hear how awful it was."

"I bet you sound amazing."

She blushed and said, "Well if you say so, what song?"

I thought about it for two seconds, I could only thing of one song.

"How about Don't Stop Believing by Journey?" (Just a side note, I love Journey and listen to them a lot, like every day)

"Didn't Mabel sing a similar version to that song at the party?"

"I don't know, I wasn't there, just sing a couple of verses from it."

"Alright then" She cleared her voice, "Just a small town girl... living in a lonely world... She took the midnight train going anywhere..."

"O-oh my Gosh Pacifica that was amazing," I said. "It was beyond amazing," I said that under my breath. But she didn't stop there.

"Just a city boy..." she looked at me when she said it "...born and raised in- where are you from Dipper?"

"Piedmont, California"

She finished her lines, "...born and raised in Piedmont, California" she laughed and continued. "He took the midnight train going anywhere..."

I blushed, "well Pacifica, I never knew how great of a singer you are."

She stopped and looked at me, "hey when your rich and have a lot of free time, you can become good at anything," she waved her hand through her hair.

"Hey maybe you can finish that song for me later?"

She laughed and we continued walking.

Before I knew it, I saw the cave over a hill, we quickly ran to it and looked inside. Before we really walked into the cave, we thought we heard something.

We both froze and looked deep inside the cave. We couldn't see anything but from the sound, we could tell there could be something down there.

I looked at Pacifica's face and saw fear on it, so I grabbed her hand and held on to it.

We both blushed, but didn't let go. I tried to break the awkward silence.

"You sure you want to do this?"

She said, "It was probably just a rock or something, but yeah, let's keep going," trying to sound determined.

We continued to walk into the cave without letting go of each other.

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