Chapter 4

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Dipper and Pacifica's Love Story

Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls. So how was chapter 3? Did you like it? I really enjoyed making it. It fell right into where I was going with it. I edited the last chapter, so if you noticed there was at least not as many errors as the other chapters, sorry for that. But I hope you're enjoying it and let's continue.

Chapter 4

Mabel's POV

I was walking back to the Mystery S'Hack and had a huge smile on my face. What a great day I thought, I can't believe that Grenda, Candy and I spent most of the day together. Well I knew I couldn't be with them all day, I do have a brother of course. I walked through the front door and saw that Grunkle Stan was sleeping on his chair. I saw a note on the table, I picked it up and read it.

Dear Grunkle Stan,

I just wanted to tell you that I went on a mystery hunt with Pacifica, we will try to be back before sundown.

Love, Dipper

OMG! My brother is hanging out with Pacifica and not me?! I can't believe he would do this to me! I came home early just to hang out and this is how he repays me? I ran upstairs and threw my face on my pillow. I looked at Waddles sleep on the ground.

"Oh Waddles," I said, "why does Dipper have to befriend the one person that hates me? I know at the mini golf place me and Pacifica got somewhere, but why her? There are so many other girls that I would glad to see Dipper hang out with. But Pacifica! Really?"

Mabel lowered her voice to try to sound like Waddles, "You can still save Dipper Mabel, you just need to find them and stop them from hanging out."

"Oh Waddles you're so smart."

I ran down the stairs, got one of my sweaters out and quickly ran outside but I stopped myself. Wait Mabel, how do you know where they are, BLARGGGGG, fine, I will just wait for them to come back. Dipper said that they will be back before sundown. I just have to be patient, patience is the one thing I don't have.

Pacifica's POV

Dipper and I continued to explore deep into the cave. But why wasn't I thinking more about the cave? I was only thinking about one thing. I can't believe that Dipper is holding my hand! A couple of days ago I could only dream about this. Who needs a cave that could possibly have treasure, when you could have a future boyfriend, I hope. I think it would be devastating on both of us if things didn't work out at the end. I could only pray that this works out. But is he thinking what I am thinking? He totally is. When he asked me to sing him a song, I could tell that he really likes me, but not for my money or looks, but for who I am. Not many people have the same feelings towards me like Dipper.

I looked at his face and for a quick second our eyes matched, we both looked away. While still holding my hand, Dipper pointed to something on the map.

"Look for a rock that has an x on it."

I looked at him, "How the heck am I supposed to do that? It's so dark in here I can barely see 3 feet in front of me."

He got out a flashlight and gave it to me, "Lead the way."

I scanned the flashlight at every rock and pebble there was in that cave for about 20 minutes. After realizing that we came to a dead end. Dipper sighed and sat down.

"I don't understand it Pacifica, the map said that we need to find an x on a rock, ughhhhh, well this was a waste of time."

I sat down next to him and laid my hand on his shoulder. "Don't give up Dipper, I bet we missed a rock" I looked around and saw water running down a pile of rocks. I grabbed Dipper's flashlight and followed the water trail. It stopped at the ground but in the middle of the trail, I saw that there was another water trail going the other way. I then realized that the wall of rocks in front of us was the x. We weren't supposed to look for one specific rock, but a wall of rocks. The water made the x on the wall. Dipper's eyes widened.

"Oh my Gosh Pacifica, you're so smart! I could almost kiss you right now!"

"What was that Dipper?"

"No-Nothing, I didn't say anything, who said anything, I didn't say anything!"

I grabbed Dippers shoulders and kissed him. It wasn't a long one, but a one that I would remember for a lifetime.

After the kiss, we both blushed and held each other's hand. Dipper, who lost all the excitement completely in the treasure, turned to the wall and said, "How are we supposed to get though that? With dynamite?"

"I can get that from my place?"

"You have 5 sticks of dynamite?"

"No, but I can buy it and get it shipped here in a blink of an eye."

"You would really buy dynamite for this?"

"Not for this, but for you" I kissed his cheek. He blushed and said, "We-We should get going then."

We got out of the cave and by the time we got out, it was almost sundown. On the way back to the Mystery S'Hack Dipper asked me something.

"Hey Pacifica, uh, about, uh, the kiss... sorry if I, uh, pressured you back there."

"What do you mean Dipper? You didn't do anything wrong, I decided to kiss you from not you pressuring me, but that you wanted it. When you said I can almost kiss you I knew you too were hoping this day would come." I blushed and looked away.

"Oh okay, just wanted to uh, make sure my first kiss was legit, you probably have had a billion by now"

I looked at him and said, "Dipper can you keep a secret?"

"Sure, no problem, what is it?

"I never kissed a guy since then..."

Dipper's eyes widened. "How could that be your first kiss? You are one of the most beautiful girls I have seen in my entire life, I bet you just forgot it, but that being your first kiss, impossible."

"It's true Dipper, I wouldn't lie to you. You're too cute to be lied to" I smacked my forehead with embarrassment, WHY DID I SAY THAT?

Dipper stared at me, "You really think I am cute? Usually I am described to be the complete opposite of cute." He blushed. "Well thank you for saying that to me." He stumbled a little bit but kissed me on the cheek, he also stomped on my foot.

"Owwwww!" I screamed

"Oh my Gosh Pacifica, I am so sorry," he bent down and studied my foot, even though I had my ugg's on, he did his best to help.

After a couple of seconds of pain, I said, "Its fine Dipper, we all fail at kissing the love of our lives sometimes." I rubbed my head in his hair. He smiled and we continued to walk. When we were pretty much at the Mystery S'Hack, Dipper took off his hat.

"I was wondering if you wanted to uh, join me tomorrow?"

"You want to hang out again, sure!" I was filled with excitement that I hugged him, similar to the time at the Northwest Party. Instead of just standing there, Dipper hugged me back. It was a warm hug and not like an awkward sibling one.

We got to the Mystery S'Hack and Dipper turned to me.

"I had lots of fun today Pacifica, even more then what I usually have with Mabel."

I blushed, "I had fun too and hopefully tomorrow will be better." I winked at him.

He stuttered a little bit and said, "Well see you tomorrow." He ran up the stairs of the Mystery S'Hack and stopped, he ran back to me and gave me a kiss, not on the cheek, but on the lips. This kiss was a little longer and more memorable. I couldn't believe that this was happening, even though we kissed earlier, it's always better when the guy does it himself. He stopped and said, "Alright bye!" He ran up the stairs and went inside. I stood there for a couple of minutes, shocked about what happened in the past couple of hours. I walked about to the Northwest mansion, just last night I was thinking about kissing Dipper and it happened today! Today was one of the best days of my life. By the time I got back to mansion, it was already dark. I didn't bother to say goodnight to anyone, I just went straight in my room and went straight to bed. But before I closed my eyes, I looked at the picture of Dipper in my closet and said, "Goodnight Dipper."

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