Chapter 7

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Dipper and Pacifica's Love Story

Disclaimer: I don't own Gravity Falls, how was chapter 6? Hope you liked it. If you noticed, I changed the rating of this story to T. The reason I did that is because I was worried that I would be yelled at for being too violent in this story. Yes there will be some violence in this story. I was heading in this one direction and I thought it would be better if I just played it safe. Nothing bad, but maybe a little more of things. Don't worry, I won't have anything not very inappropriate, just wanted to know where I can fully go with things. Hope you guys didn't mind, anyway, back to the story! Enjoy!

Chapter 7

Pacifica's POV

I woke up the next day around 10 am. I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window. It was a sunny day and I felt that today was the day to really tell Dipper I love him. Even though I kind of told him from out last date, it's better to actually tell the person face to face that you love him. I walked to the package that was left outside my door. It was clearly the dynamite for the treasure hunt. I know, I can get the perfect moment to tell Dipper if the treasure hunt goes good. If the dynamite works, and there is treasure on the other side, then I know that Dipper will be so happy that when I tell him I love him, he wouldn't get too awkward. If anything he would be happier, I hope.

I changed into my usual purple clothes and UGG's. I then went downstairs to eat some breakfast. Since I am rich, my breakfast is always done before I get down there, and it's always hot. I was enjoying some pancakes when I saw my father walking towards me with anger on his face. Great, he we go...

"Pacifica Elise Northwest! What the heck are you doing dating a lower class brat like Dipper Pines!?" He showed me a newspaper with the front cover showing Dipper and I kissing at dinner. That explains the picture taken at dinner. "I told you after the party that I forgive you for you letting in the town's folk considering it improved my business, but this will not stand with me young lady! You will end this relationship or will forever ruin our family name!"

I got out of my seat and looked at him straight in the eyes. How dare we accuse me for ruining our family name! It's not my fault that our family are liars and cheaters. But one things for sure, this relationship will show that Northwest's are not losers and cheaters, but people that can change for the better. "You want me to end my relationship with my Dipper? You know what dad, I had it with you! You always tell me to be the best at everything because we are rich. Well dad, let me tell you something money can't buy, and that's love! You can't buy true love no matter how much money you have. What I have with Dipper is one of the only things I can ask for because no one treats me for who I am like Dipper does. If anything you should be happy, I am finally realizing what true love is. This situation in the papers is bring our name up in every household in Gravity Falls. This means that you are improving your business from this." Since that's the only thing he cares about anymore. "So you know what dad, I will continue to see Dipper, but not to annoy you or to piss you off, but for love!"

My cheeks got red after I finished yelling at my father. He just thought about what I said and said, "Your right, this news is improving my business. Hehe, you know what Pacifica, I will let you date this lower class peasant, but if my sales don't go up, you're finished!"

"Shut up dad! I don't care about your sales. I will see Dipper and that is final! I don't care if your sales drop straight into the toilet, I will see Dipper and date him or my name isn't Pacifica Northwest!"

I got my coat on and the dynamite and stormed off into my car waiting for me outside the mansion.

"Where to Ms. Northwest?"

"Mystery S'Hack please."

We got to the Mystery S'Hack ten minutes later. I got out and reached for my wallet.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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