9/07/2017 - Disaster

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I'm actually crying right now. 

My right hand is completely numb. I will not be able to write, draw, play guitar, or play ice hockey for at least two weeks.

Let me tell you what happened.

Yesterday, Saturday 8th of July 2017, I woke up. Left my house at 11:10am and arrived at my rink at 12:00pm. Everything was going well. I was meeting my friends at the rink, and we were skating like normal. 

Then I fell.

It was a good fall - but that is not what sent me to hospital.

I was getting up when my friend decided to try and spray me with ice by doing a hockey stop. 

He fucked it up.

As he was gaining his balance, he unintentionally stomped his (Newly sharpened) blade down on my hand. Now let me tell you - He isnt a small guy. All I can remember is hearing a 'crunch' and looking down at my finger. Blood was everywhere. I can remember just looking at it in shock, then racing off the ice. There's a guy that I know well that works at the rink - Matt - and I can just remember screaming his name, crying, holding up my hand. Then the boss came and took me to the medical room, where he constantly told me that it wasn't bad, that it was just a little break.

I ended up in the ANE. 

Then hospital.

Today I had surgery on the middle finger of my right hand. The nail had broken in half, horizontally near the base of my nail. They couldn't save it. They had to chop the nail off, stitch the nail bed, then lay the nail back over it like a shell to protect it. My hand is still fully numb, so I'm feeling no pain, luckily.

I'm trying really hard right now not to break down, because I have had to cancel my Ice Hockey training camp. I will not be playing ice hockey of any sorts for about a month, at least. I wont be able to play guitar. Write. Draw. Getting dressed, showering - heck, even eating is difficult. 

Its going to take 6 - 8 weeks for the stitches to dissolve, then 6 months for the nail to grow back fully, and even then it will forever be deformed.

Ah well.

But, even though this injury is going to be a major pain in the ass, I do not blame my friend who did this to me. Even though he didn't apologize straight away or see if I was ok, He did eventually. I know I could've been scared as fuck if I were him - Everyone know's I'm a tough bitch, and no one there has ever seen me bawling like a baby like I did that day. But yeah.

Shit happens,

Life carries on.

Chow x

- J

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