one: just strangers

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*jimin pov*

"Come on jungkook-ah!" My younger self said while giggling. I took his hand and he blushed making me smile. Then I started to run. Running  through the fields full of flowers. I looked back to see what kind if expression jungkook was making. Instead I met eyes with him. His cheeks were red as roses and his mouth formed a small "o". Cute. I stopped running when I felt myself getting tired. I fell on the grass and jungkook followed my actions. I turned and faced him. Only to find him already looking at me. His cheeks blushed again. I smiled and took a deep breath. No we weren't that young, I was 15 while he was 13. Still holding our hands like small children too afraid to let go. "Jiminie hyung.." he started to speak braking the silence. "I'm moving.." he whispered. I quickly stud up and looked at him with a surprised/worried expression. "Oh.." I started. He stud up too and looked at me. "Here." he said handing me a small chain with a key. "What is this?" I asked as if I was blind. "It's a key. I want you to hold this till I come back." he whispered looking at the grass beneath us. "What is that for?" I asked an oblivious question once more. "For my heart.." he started. "Your the only one that hold the key..." I didn't know what to say. I wanted to say something like "see you again" or something manly. Instead my eyes filled with tears. Then they started to fall. Then I started to sob. He cupped my face and looked at me. "Jiminie hyung.." he whispered. Before leaning in and pecking my lips. My body felt warm and the small peck turned into a heated kiss. I didn't know what this was I wanted to feel more of him. I knew my feelings weren't normal towards him but I just didn't know why my body felt like this. I parted away to breath. Panting we looked at each other and smiled. He took the necklace or chain and put it on me. His face was so close to mine I couldn't stop starring at his soft hot pink lips. He noticed and blushed leaning in to peck me again. Yet his tongue was liking my lips asking for entrance. I slowly parted my lips and let him slide his tongue inside my mouth. The small peck once again turned into a heated kiss. His arms were dangling on my shoulders and slowly stroking my hair. "Jungkook." someone said in the distance. We parted lips and saw him. Jungkook's father. God how i hated that man. Jungkook withdrew his hands from my shoulders and stud up. "Fathe-" he started to speak but he got cut off.
"You're a disgrace. Why did you kiss jimin. Answer me boy!" he growled. I stud up and got infront of jungkook covering him from his father. "He didn't do anything. I did." I said. I'm still his hyung, I'm still older, and I'm old enough to know his father is a psychotic bastard. "Oh did you." he said glaring blades at me. "I hope you enjoyed it. Because this is the last time you will be seeing each other. "Come now jungkook. Young Ms.jin, your fiance, is waiting for you. 'What fiance?!'  Jungkook came from behind and started to follow behind his father. "Yes.." he finally answered. I wanted to scream. I wanted to demand an explanation. Yet i just dropped on my knees and cried, i cried harder than I've ever cried before. "JUNGKOOK-AH!" I screamed still sobbing uncontrollably. From being on my knees i let my head drop on the flowers and cried even more. I held the key on one hand still crying.

*Jungkook's pov*

       "Father why did you have to lie about seokjin being a girl and my fiance?" I asked. "Because i don't want that boy to ever look for you again. His a horrible influence, what you two did is disgusting. "But we lov-" i started but he cut me off. "Don't say that love bullshit. Love happens between a man and a woman. Not two men, you pest." he said. Its not wrong. I know it's not wrong. I love him and he loves me. It doesn't matter if I'm a guy as long as we loved each it was enough. "You're wrong..." I finally said. "Excuse me?" "ITS NOT WRONG TO SHOW MY AFFECTION FOR THE ONE I LOVE." I yelled at him. He walked my way again and took my hair pulling it. "Your kind disgust me...if you don't want anything to happen to the one you "love" you have to tell him you're just strangers tomorrow before we leave. Or you'll have to wish him luck in recovering at the hospital." Still in pain from the hair pulling i nodded.

*time skip to the next day*

*jungkook pov*

        Jimin was right infront of me. I wanted to grab his cheek and repeatedly tell him i loved him. Instead I just starred at him. I tried to keep the most calm expression. "Go on jungkook." My "father" motioned me kicking me. "Jimin..what we did yesterday was a mistake. I don't even know you much. To me your just a stranger. A toy. But I'm already tired of you." I said with my voice quivering. And my eyes gathering tears. "Repeat it again jeon." The horrible man behind me said. "You're just a stranger to me." I said almost braking into a sob. Then he grabbed my chin and squeezed it roughly making me look forward at jimin. "Look at his face jeon..look how you broke the poor idiot. This is all your fault." He whispered in my ear followed by a laugh. My eyes widen my body started to shake. Jimin's head was down preventing me to see his face. He slowly lifted his head slowly and forced a small smile but his eyes had tears falling one after the other. "I-I see.." he said still with that small fake smile hiding his feelings. "JI-JI-JIMIN AH!! IM SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT I SWEAR.I LOVE YOU MORE THAN MY OWN LIFE. MY DAD..HE..HE..FORCED ME HIS GOING TO HURT YOU!" I screamed sobbing. "Wh-at?" he said before someone came in and threw him to the floor. "Tsk tsk...this could have all been over if you just said what i told you to. Beat him up but don't completely kill him." Jimin grown under his breath. He was really hurt already yet that didn't stop him. The man kicked him repeatedly until blood came out of his mouth. "STOP!" I yelled sobbing. But the man picked him again and slammed him into a tree. He coughed blood again. The man punched him and jimin's lip was cut now. I found a big rock since we were in the same place from yesterday. I took it and ran towards the man still beating up jimin. I hit him in the back of his head and he collapsed blood stained my hands. "RUN JIMIN-AH!!" I yelled. With little energy he ran mouthing 'i love you' before leaving. I cried and felt rain hit the top of my head, eventually it started to pour. Taking off the blood of my hands. Out of nowhere my dad took a hold of my hair and slammed to the ground with many pebbles. He took my head again and slammed my face into a tree. I could feel blood starting to fall from a cut on my forehead. My blood kept mixing with the rain. "You'll never see him again." he said before he slammed me into the tree again then complete darkness took over.

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