three: I'm your third choice.

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Hellooooo... I made a change to the story name and the cover it will now be called 3 choices. The name will make sense when the story goes on thank you and enjoy! Saranghae!~

*jungkook pov*

             I was wearing the new school uniform. I felt somewhat happy. Finally i would get to see jimin. I hope he still loves me as much as i love him. Even though i don't deserve it. I don't know how many times that old man made me kiss or make out with girls from rich families. I don't know how many times he broke my cellphone when i tried looking for jimin again. I hate him so much for taking the only person that loved me, but nothing mattered anymore. I found him again. I finally found him. Well not me but taehyung, still I finally get to see my love again.
*time skip bc why not😂*
            The drive was over. Tae, my butler, drove me there. "Jungkook if your scared.." he started but i cut him off from excitement. "BYE BYE HYUNG!!" I yelled back already in the steps of the door that lead every student in, let jimin in. I walked in and people were already starring. "Who is he?" a girl whispered to another. "Woah his hot!" another exclaimed. I heard more questions like "Is he a new student?" or "He totally has to have a gf!!". I didn't mind the stares or the whispers all i worried about was if i would be able to tell who jimin was, after all it's been 3 years. I started to slowly walk in. The whispers silenced. My eyes slowly came upon someone with a toned, high quality body. His hair was blondish, but i couldn't tell if it fit him. Until. He turned and i could see his face clearly. Jimin. It has to be jimin. I walked towards him not caring about the now so loud whispers. The walk turned to a speed walk, then a jog, then a run, now a sprint. Tears gathered in my eyes, a smile filled my face, the tears showered it with grace. Jimin. MY Jimin. But I stopped when I saw someone else approach him. Someone with gray colored hair. I've never seen him before but why were they starring at each other for so long? Suddenly the guy took Jimin's hand and wrapped him into a hug. A hug that i should have given MY Jimin. The tears that started to fall weren't tears of joy, no they're tears of hatred, jealousy, and most of all because of a broken heart. Worst of all jimin seemed to be happy. "Heyy~ you're cute want me to accompany you?~" a girl said trying to act sweet. Right now as it was he could attack anyone close to him. Yet he took the girl and kissed her roughly hoping jimin would get s glimpse and figure out it was me. His LOVE. Jeon jungkook.

*jimin pov*

              Yoongi took me to a hug and squeezed me tight. "Im sorry i was so pushy yesterday.." he whispered with his head on my shoulder. "It's ok." I simply answered.  "Heyy~ you're cute want me to accompany you?~" a girl said to someone just feet away from me and yoongi. Still in hug, my eyes widen when the boy suddenly took her and kissed her roughly. The hell?! I could only see a side from his face and that's all i needed. "Jungkook?!" i exclaimed separating myself from yoongi. His lips separated from the now blushing girl. Slut is more fitting for her. A smirk appeared in his face, starring right into my eyes. Though he looked pleased i noticed his eyes were gathering tears. And his smirk was slowly fading and his bottom lip started to tremble as if he were going to cry. He started to walk away. "Jungkook!" i called out. Why was he here? How was he here? Did he remember me? Before i realized it i was running after him. Finally my love was here, he wasn't far away anymore. Just a couple of meters or halls away. I have to see him! I have to! When i reached the last corner of the freshman hall i saw him. Yet again kissing a random girl. Then he ran away again. I stopped there. I didn't want to see him kiss other lips that weren't mine. I felt tears gather in my eyes. My bottom lip curled up and i started to sob. What is this? Some kind of sick game? I stayed there, my eyes letting tears fall from my face like a water fall and sobs scape my mouth as if i wasn't going to stop anytime soon. My hands went to my eyes trying to wipe them off like a small child who had just fallen and wanted to pretend he was tough. I also wanted to pretend. I wanted to pretend that wasn't jungkook. I wanted to pretend he wasn't kissing somebody else. I wanted to pretend i was ok.  was that why he came? To rub in we were just STRANGERS like his father thought? maybe on the inside jungkook was just as twisted and horrible as his father. suddenly I felt someone take me into am embrace. I hadn't realized 2nd period ad already started and ended. "I was looking for you every where...jimin, now will you accept me?" yoongi said with his head buried in my back. why was he asking me this shit right now? was he that heartless? "let me go jackass!" I exclaimed braking away from his back hug. I ran out of the hall and made my way to the front door. someone took a hold of my hand before I could reach the door. he covered my mouth and made me run. he wasn't wearing the school uniform, who was he?

*tae pov*

               I knew it was good idea to follow jungkook in the school.  he was crying in a small custodian room. I didn't want to go in because I knew why he was crying. jimin was the reason again. and I hated it. I guess since they barely met for a second it didn't trigger a heat. I knew it. jimin was just playing with jungkook's feelings since the start. I went back to where jimin stayed after jungkook ran away for the 2nd time. I didn't expect him to still be there, neither for him to be crying. he was still looking at the wall where the hall broke into a T shape. his lip curled up and his sobs where still hearable. has he been standing there since almost a hour ago? why? wasn't he hurting jungkook for  fun? than the boy who made jungkook jealous with jimin came and backed hugged him. I knew it. suddenly jimin ylled at the boy. "let me go jackass!" my mouth dropped. jackass?? I thought they were lovers? jimin ran away from the male and I followed. not before letting myself be seen and glared at him. "stay away from jimin." I said. then started to run after jimin. I needed my questions answered. I took him before he could open the front doors of the school. I covered his mouth so he couldn't  react to it. I started to run making him almost fall. somehow it felt as if we were small children running from somewhere. and jimin was hurt so I had to help him get somewhere safe. A small smile took over my face. was I, the beta that was in love with his owner, developing something for someone so quickly?? no no!! he hurt jungkook! and he had many questions to answer! I finally found an empty music room to stop and talk to him. I first had to stifle the smile in my face. "tahyung?" he asked making me turn around. he remembered me? the small action made me feel somewhat happy. didn't I hate this guy just seconds ago? "tae!" he exclaimed before embracing me into a hug. what is this? did he think I'm his friend? again his small action made me somewhat happy. I cleared my throat and he separated himself from me. I quickly missed the small subtle warmth. remembering why I dragged him here I opened my mouth to speak, "jimin stay away from jungkook." his smile dropped, tears filled his eyes again, his lip curled up and he started to force a crocked smile. " I don't think that will be a problem, he doesn't even love or remember me anymore...I guess I was the only one still hoping we were meant to be." he said as tear fell, then another, followed by many more. I hated this. I hated seen jungkook and jimin like this because I was the only one that knew this was only a misunderstanding. I knew it but I only though about having a chance to like or even date jimin. he looked like a small child who just wanted to be hugged. THATS IT!! he just needs hug! I took his hand and wrapped my other handon his waist taking him into an embrace. I needed this too, I needed to love and protect him. and no matter what I wanted to be his choice. but could I? could I define fate? all I knew right now was that fate and destiny could fuck off. I'm your 3rd choice jimin and I hope you choose me. I wont loose to an alpha nor your friend. so choose me..jimishi.

Goal: 3000 achieved: no
Sorry for the wait! And sorry it's so short.

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