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Harry's POV

I had just finished my dinner that Ron had brought me from the Hall.

It took me longer to eat since I only have one arm useful at the moments. Stupid bludger!

Suddenly two prefects, a student on a stretcher, professor Snape and Ginny came into the room.

The student was moved onto the bed when Madam Pomfrey came rushing out of her office.

"What's going on professor! What happened?" She asked Snape in a frenzy.

"(Y/N) Riddle fainted, Ginny said she saw her fall to the ground" Snape answered monotonously, but his eyes held worry.

"What caused it?" Madam questioned Ginny, who shrugged and left the room, not without waving to me slightly.

"When she wakes up I'll ask her, thank you Professor Snape" he nodded and stalked out the room, as Madam went back to her office.

She's not going to want to see me when she wakes up.
I'm sure she heard us say that we didn't trust her, it's not that we don't, but the way she was us thinking possibilities.

-Time skip brought to you by Oliver Wood-

(Y/N)'s POV

My eyes fluttered open, only to be met with darkness.

It wasn't my was night time.
Sitting up I checked the clock on the wall.
'Oh no I missed dinner!' I whined in my head, throwing myself back onto the bed.

Apparently I didn't whine in my head but out loud as I heard someone cough to get my attention.

Sitting up I saw Potter staring at me. A small smile plastered on his face.

"(Y/N) I-" he was cut off by a voice.

"Let meeeee haveeeee youuuuuu" it's the voice from a couple of weeks ago!

Looking around the room, I looked back at Harry, only to see something or rather someone else.

"Dobby?" Both me and Harry said at the same time.

"Hello!" Said the little house elf.

Whats he doing here!? He's meant to be at the Malfoys!

"Harry Potter should have listened to Dobby, Harry Potter should have gone home when he missed the train..." What is Dobby doing with Potter! Why is he helping him.

I like Dobby enough to tell Draco about this though.

Listening carefully to their conversation, I heard about how it was Dobby who set the bludger on Harry.

"Dobby feels most sorry sir, Dobby had to iron his hands..." he showed Potter his bandaged hands.

"Dobby," I started, he looked at me and shrieked in fear, moving clothes to Potter.

"Miss Riddle, Dobby begs you to not tell his Master!" He started crying.

"Dobby, I promise not to tell, not explain why you have been trying to get Potter out of school"

Harry looked at me intensely, as if trying to figure out who me and Dobby were talking about.

"So why have you been trying to kill me?" Harry asked, getting out of bed.

"Don't would never kill you sir, Dobby remembers how times were before Harry Potter defeated He Who Shall Not Be Named!"

Harry listened carefully as well as I as Dobby explained how before house elves were treated like vermin, "of course Dobby is still treated like vermin!" He started crying again, blowing his nose on rag.

"Why do you wear that think Dobby?" Potter asked in disgust, clearly not please with these turn of events.

"It is the mark of the house elves enslavement sir..." he proceeded to tell Potter that if his master gave him clothes, Dobby would be free.

Noise was heard from the corridor.

"Potter, someone is coming!" I whispered yelled to Harry.

"Listen," Dobby jumped up onto the bed, "listen, terrible things are about to happen at Hogwarts, Harry Potter must go home, as history is to repeat itself" he looked over at me with a sad look.

"Repeat itself, so this has happened before!" I sat up further joining the conversation.

Dobby gasped "I should've have said that!" He shrieked, grabbing the bottle of Skele-Gro and hitting himself in the head with it repeating "bad Dobby!"

Potter snatched the bottle away from him and grabbed him by the top of his rag.

"Tell me, when did this happen and who did it!" Potter demanded.

Dobby just shook his head telling him he isn't allowed to say and just wanted Potter safe.

'Thanks Dobby I want you safe too, geez'

Another noise was heard, and with a click of his fingers Dobby disappeared.

Me and Potter pretended to be alseep as Dumbledore, McGonagal, Madam Pomfrey and two others I don't know, brought in a student on a stretcher.

"Put him here!" Madam Pomfrey whispered.

"Another attack?" She questioned.

"Indeed, I think he has been petrified Madam Pomfrey!" I heard the voice of McGonagal say.

"He might have taken a picture of his attacker...?"

Picture? It's got to be Colin Creevey!

Next was a small explosion and a few gasps.

'Me thinks that the camera didn't take a photo'

"What does this mean Albus?"
"It means that our students are in great danger" the worry was clear in both McGonagal and Dumbledore's voice.

"What shall I tell the staff" McGonagal questioned, "the truth, say that Hogwarts is no longer safe, it is how we feared Minerva, the Chamber of Secrets has been opened...."

All went quiet as they left.

I got up and left a note for Madam Pomfrey, saying that left for my common room.

"Where are you going?" Potter asked sitting up.

"What's it to you Potter?" I sneered at him.

"Look (n/n)-" he started signing, but I cut him off.

"No you don't get to call me that, only those who TRUST me get to!" I hissed at him.

"(Y/N) it's not that we don't trust you! You are just a suspect..." he muttered looking down.

"Whatever" I huffed and walked out to the common room.

I'm A Riddle {Draco x reader} (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now