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Minutes before the arrival of Harun and Diana -she went to pick him up-, the child was already standing up in her cradle, laying her arms over the railing, staring at the door with that patient look only grown people have. Could it be possible for her to foresee things to that point? It gave me chills. The girl didn't even flinch when Harun came in and Diana said: "That's her". And Harun, who even though being 35 always looked childish to me, tilt his head to the side, watching her.

"Hi?" Said Harun but the child didn't answer.

In life, one meets people at random and sometimes "great meetings" happen. Two people get to know each other gradually then they get married. Sometimes they just become great friends, friends who are more important than family. But even in this kind of bond, there is an evolution, even if it's small. Some hours of conversation are needed so the unexpected can take place. Spiritual connections don't happen so fast, however, at the moment the little girl looked at Harun, something happened.

"I think she speaks in morse code" Diana said.

"How is that?" asked Harun.

"With short and long sounds." I replied, "Like this: beeeeep, beep, beep, beeeep."

Harun spoke to the girl: "beep beep beep beep beep beep beeeep beep beep beep beeeep beep beep beeeep beeeep beeeep"

The baby girl thought for a while and replied: "beep beep beep beep beep beep beeeep beep beep beep beeeep beep beep beeeep beeeep beeeep"

Did she just repeat what you said?" Diana asked.

"I said 'hello' and she responded 'hello'."

So she communicates in morse code?" I asked

Harun said a more complex phrase, with different beeps, and the girl remained quiet.

"I think she just has a good memory" Harun said ". What's her hobby?"

"She likes to stare at the stars through the window, walk on the foam of the waves, speak in morse code on my phone..." Diana said.

Let's look at the stars while we walk on the beach, then " Harun said, as I picked up the girl from her crib. Diana grabbed her hand and we went out.

The girl approached the shore. When the foam caressed her feet, she laughed, lifting one leg after another. It's these moments when she looks like a one year old baby. When she's so deep in thought, she seems even more mature than me.

The girl continued to leave her footprints on the wet sand abruptly falling on her back, she still has some difficulty walking. Diana lifted her and took her hand, continuing to walk. The girl suddenly clung to Harun's pant leg as he walked barefoot. She raised her head to look at his face, as if trying to remember him from a very distant time before his birth. Harun answered the look with a thoughtful gesture. Diana and I observed this as if we were watching a scene from a movie, an important one that requires your full attention.

Harun lifted the the child and placed her on his shoulders. He sighed, perhaps because this all took him by surprise. Maybe because he feels nostalgia from a time when he imagined having a child with Diana. He walks holding the girls legs tightly, turning around to confirm that Diana was behind and aware of the girls safety.

The girl was smiling; the new perspective amazed her. To look at things from that height, and on top of that, being closer to the stars. Harun pointed to a group of stars and said, "That's Ursa Major." The little girl repeated slowly "Ur-sa Ma-jor," pointing at the same spot. "And that's Auriga," Harun said, pointing at another spot. "Au-ri-ga," the girl repeated, focusing on each syllable. Diana smiled and I knew I should leave them alone. Without a doubt, that was the moment to go so they could talk about whatever is it they need to talk about.

At the door of the house, looking at them in the distance, I thought of how everything fits together. As if the girl had appeared at the perfect time for Diana and Harun to talk again. The truth is that I always thought they were the perfect match. I would be happy for both, and also for the girl, the only problem is... Harun is getting married in December.

The mistery of Haruna's Star - 40 first chaptersWhere stories live. Discover now