Chapter Six - It's Official

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The next morning, I awoke to a knock on my bedroom door. Groaning, I checked my clock. It was eleven AM, the usual time I woke up.

"Come in," I moaned groggily.

My mom poked her head in. "Fay, is everything okay?" she asked quietly, trying not to wake Adam.

Adam stirred next to me and opened his eyes. "Hi, Tina," he murmured to my mom.

"I'm fine, I think," I told Mom, trying to force myself to feel awake. "Just that Nessa put a little too much alcohol in one of my drinks and it made me sick, so I got Adam to come and get me. Don't you have work today?"

"Yeah, but it's a later shift. I'm glad Adam could pick you up and stay with you until you felt better." My mom smiled, not at all judgemental about me bringing home a guy in the middle of the night. She knew it wasn't for sexual purposes. Even if it was, it probably wouldn't have bothered her. She was young once, too.

I yawned, stretching, touching Adam's leg with mine. "Yeah, I didn't want to wake you up," I told her.

"It would have been okay with me. I don't mind at all, don't hesitate next time or worry about interrupting my sleep. Anyway, I'll be getting ready for work here soon. Love you, glad you're okay. And thank you, Adam." Mom smiled at us before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

I sighed, turning back to face Adam. "Sorry about that. She's a bit overprotective, considering my age and all."

"No worries. It's better than her not caring at all." Adam smiled and touched my nose with his finger. "You look cute all sleepy."

"Hah, I'm sure I look like death. But at least I feel better, despite a bit of a headache." I finally really looked at Adam. He was cute dressed up, but almost cuter in a half asleep state. His brown hair was messed up and it was just adorable.

"Do you need Advil or anything?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I should probably get some." I turned over and reached into my bedside table drawer to grab some painkillers and washed them down with water that I kept in a waterbottle on my bedside table. "Did you call in sick this morning for work?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I woke up earlier and did it, but you were out cold so it didn't disturb you." Adam shrugged. "So you have me all day, unless another emergency comes up."

I was feeling excited. I guessed this was making up for him leaving me early yesterday. "Okay. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know, just lay here with you for a while." With that, he opened his arms and I laid down with my head in the crook of his elbow.

We laid like that for what seemed like hours, but was probably really only a half hour before I had to answer a call of nature. I got up and took my phone with me into the bathroom. Nessa had texted me a couple more times, including one from this morning.

Nessa (last night): I'm really sorry about this whole mess, Fay. I didn't think it would result in you getting sick.

Nessa (this morning): I cleaned up your puke, and the other girls have left. Your car is still in the parking lot. Just come get it whenever. If you want to see me that's cool, if not I understand. I won't pressure you to drink again.

I wrote her back, still annoyed by the whole situation. But, she was my best friend, and she did seem sorry. It was just a stupid prank gone wrong. If I hadn't gotten so sick, I might have laughed it off, as I wasn't normally a party pooper and could take jokes.

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