Chapter Seven - We Became One

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A couple of weeks later, Adam and I were doing really well. It was now near the end of June, all I could think was how crazy fast this month had gone. I hadn't hung out with Nessa since what her and her friends did to me, but I still talked to her. It was mostly because she was busy and would rather hang out with her other friends now, I guessed. It seemed like if I asked her to hang out she would blow me off and then I'd see photos of her with Rachel and/or Melissa on Facebook. It did bother me a little, but of course, she could have other friends, right? I didn't have to be her only friend, and I didn't have to always be hanging out with her. I just brushed it off for the most part.

Adam and I had not had sex yet. Yes, I know, he fingered me on the beach and we have gone to second base quite a few times since then. But he told me he wanted our first time to be special. He said it would definitely be soon, and I couldn't wait to see what he had planned.

Temperatures were getting warmer, I was glad that it was summer now. I hated winter, mostly because we saw at least five months of it. It lasted way too long for my liking. The summer months were usually from the beginning of June to the middle of September, at least that's how long the warmer temperatures lasted. November, December, January, February, and March could see cold temperatures and snow. Our spring season was from around the beginning of April to the end of May. Fall was around the middle of September to the end of October. Winter was definitely our longest. I guessed that was what we got for living up north on the planet Earth.

Now, though, I was considering applying for a program in Rochdale College for the fall of this year. I had been doing some research while Adam was at work and I was at home, bored. I figured I needed to do something. Even though I was twenty-five and already had gone to college, journalism wasn't doing me that well. I needed to find something that would get me a good job around here.

The program I was thinking about was Geology, because I was super into rocks and I was pretty sure there was a decent calling for it around here. My only problem was the expenses, of course I'd have to get a student loan, on top of the other one I already had from my last course. Sometimes it was tough for young people trying to decide our future.

Wednesday that week, I hadn't heard from Adam since he'd gotten off work. He'd told me that he needed to take his mom to the hospital again, but this time she was getting tested to determine the cause of her migraines to make sure it wasn't serious. I was hoping it would be good news, but he hadn't messaged me back in a few hours now. Surely if he was just sitting and waiting in the hospital, he'd be updating me, wouldn't he?

His last message to me had been sent right after work, when he'd been taking his mom to the hospital. Since then I had messaged him a few times, and it was now eight PM. Where the hell was he?

Suddenly my phone blew up with several messages from him all at once.

Adam: Omg I'm so sorry babe, my phone died but I was too nervous to go back home to get the charger. The doctors eventually convinced me that Mom would be okay if I left for a bit to get some things. I just got back to the hospital and plugged it in, still waiting on news about Mom.

Me: I'm so relieved you got back to me. I've been sitting here waiting for a while now. I was worried. So they don't know anything yet?

Adam: I'm sorry I worried you. No, nothing yet. They said it could take a bit for the results to get back to us. Possibly not even til tomorrow.

Me: Are you okay? How is your mom?

Adam: I'm stressed, and Mom's passed out due to the drugs they gave her to run the tests. She could be awake at any point, and I need to be here for her. I don't want her to go through this alone.

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