Chapter Two - The Message

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After a few minutes, I went back into the house to find Nessa. I didn't see Adam anywhere, of course he'd already left.

"Wow, Adam sure seemed to like you," Nessa commented. "Sorry he had to leave. I'm not sure why, he just said something about a family emergency. I saw you two on the porch outside, don't worry I didn't creep, I just saw him kiss you. And I saw you guys flirting and dancing in here earlier." She winked at me.

Meanwhile, I was frustrated. "I was about to take my mask off when he got the call. I wanted to spend more time with him." I frowned. "This sucks. Finally meet a guy who seems to be decent and I didn't get his contact information."

"Oh, no. I didn't realize he didn't give you his phone number. But we can search for him tomorrow on Facebook and send a message," Nessa offered.

"That's an idea," I agreed. "I think I kind of want to go home now, though. It's becoming overwhelming." Being back in the house with all the people around me was making me feel light-headed and cranky.

"Okay, I can drive you back home and come back here. Just let me tell Rachel. Nessa went over to a small group where Rachel was standing and talked to her a minute before coming back to me. "Okay, let's go. I only had one beer like four hours ago, and I've used the washroom since then, I should be fine to drive."

"I don't know..." I hesitated, pretty sure I had seen her drinking not too long ago, but I didn't say anything. "Want me to drive? And can you make it back here on your own?"

Nessa nodded. "Okay, you can drive, and yes I'll make it back on my own."

"Alright." I agreed to that, and we got up and left.

Once I was back at my house, my mom, Tina, approached me.

"How was the party?" she asked. "You're home earlier than I expected. It's only eleven."

I had removed my mask before coming into the house, was now carrying it with me. "It was okay. I talked to a guy for a while, then he had to leave due to a family emergency. He didn't say what it was."

My mom's eyes lit up. "Oh, how old is he? What does he do? What does he look like?"

"He's an accountant, he works with Nessa. He's twenty-eight, and well, I only really saw the bottom half of his face, and his eyes, because his mask covered the rest." I sighed. "But he seemed to be cute and really nice."

"That's good. Did you get his number?"

"No, he rushed off before I could." I was still upset about it. "I came home after that, because I was tired and feeling overwhelmed because of everyone there."

Mom nodded. "Ah, I understand, anxiety at parties is hard. But I'm going to bed now, I'll see you tomorrow after I'm off work. Love you."

"Love you, too," I told her, and she hugged me before heading upstairs. I followed her, then she went into her room with Dad and I went into my room which was at the end of the hallway.

I got changed into more comfortable clothes, and got into bed and booted up my laptop. I got on Facebook and messaged Nessa, asking her if she'd made it to the party safely. She replied that she had, and that it was still going on though a few more people had left. Adam had not returned, but I didn't think he would.

My thoughts drifted back to Adam and our wonderful, dreamy moments kissing on the porch under the stars. What if Adam thought I was weird and too clingy? Most guys didn't like when girls followed them around at parties, but I wasn't a social butterfly. In group situations, I usually found one person I liked or who was friendly, and stuck around them. Adam hadn't seemed to mind my presence though, which made me feel more confident about the situation. He was such a good kisser too, wow. My last boyfriend was only a good kisser when he wanted some.

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