Meeting the Squad

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You always see clips of squad outside the building but you really cant tell where it is. But now you are standing in front of the building that is now your workplace. You take a second to take it in. This is it! Your new place of work. You go to try to get your suitcase out of the back of the car but once again, Noah beat you to the punch. "You really dont have to do that Noah. I am a big girl. I can get it myself," you say once again trying to reach for your suitcase. But just like back at the airport, it is pulled away from you before your hand can ever graze it. " I know you are a big girl but I want to help. Relax, I know it was a long flight and are probably tired," he say flashing a smile. You hate to admit it but you were tired from the flight and you really couldn't argue too much with Noah's cute smile.

You finally get into the Smosh office to find Olivia and Keith both on their computers. "Guuuuyyysss! Look who is here!" Courtney says very sing-songy. Olivia and Keith both look up at the sound of Courtney's voice

"Omg. Hi (Y/N)! Welcome to the squad!" Olivia says coming up to hug you. Keith follows with another hug and a welcome to the crew. This is it. You are standing in front of THE Smosh Squad. You are loss for words. Everyone sits down on the couch in the office and the antics begin again. Everyone also decides to start asking you all types of questions to get to know you better. 

"How old are you again?"


"What do you like to do for fun?"

"I like to do a bunch of things! Im not picky."

"What is your favorite thing to do for fun?"

"Depends on the day. Sometimes I like going out and other times I like to just stay in and watch a movie or read a book." 

The storm of questions came to a stop when Shayne asked "You are a fan right"

"Yeah, ... Why?" you ask scared of the answer.

"Do you have a favorite member?" Shayne asks, everyone stops and stares at you, waiting for the answer. You are lucky you are quick on your feet and come up with a response to make everyone happy. 

" I can't have a favorite when I don't know everyone that well." you say.

The door then suddenly opens to Ian and Matt Raub walk into the room. " Ah (Y/N) is finally here. I hope everyone wasn't getting on your nerves already." Ian laughs and greets you with a hug. 

"I'm Matt Raub. Im going to be helping you get sent in the office. I also have all your information for your place." he says extending a hand. You reach out and shake it. "Nice to meet you." you respond, mimicking how formal he was being. You can hear the squad laughing in the background. " Well you are fitting in well. I can see you are already making jokes with me" Matt Raub says glaring at the other Smosh members

"Well you make it so easy to make fun of Matt!" Ian says coming up behind.

"Whatever," Matt Raub says rolling his eyes "Lets go over somethings for you (Y/N)" 

Everyone sits down at a large table, while Matt Raub starts going over everything! He talks about where you are living. He goes over schedules and filming. You are given scripts to look over for the next "The Big What if" and a lot more. Honestly it is a lot of information at one time while still being tired from the plane ride. You see Noah look over at you and he must notice how frazzled you are getting with everything. He leans over to you an whispers in your ear "It seems like a lot but it is not that bad. I will help you with some of the stuff." As he pulls away, he gives you a reassuring smile. You nod your head and mouth a "thank you"back at him

"I think that is enough for today! (Y/N) is probably exhausted!" Noah says. 

"Fine. but one more thing," Matt Raub says, "Since (Y/N) doesnt have anyway to get around just yet, would anyone be willing to pick her up in the morning for work?" 

"I can! I mean her place is on the way for me." You turn to see Noah's hand in the air, volunteering to get you every morning. "Of course he will!" Keith says hitting Noah with his elbow a bit.

"Great! You ok with that" Matt Raub asks looking at me. "I mean, sure! I just dont want anyone to go out of their way for me." You say looking at Noah. 

"Don't worry about it. I am happy to help!" Noah says flashing you another cute smile. This time you can really feel some butterflies come to your stomach. You smile back at him and respond with an ok. You exchange numbers with all of the squad. Matt Raub offers to drive you to your place. You hug everyone good bye, Noah's hug lingering again in a good way, and leave the offices

You have arrived to California, met your favorite people, got to hang out with them for a bit, and now you are being driven to your new place. This is the start of something great!

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