The Move.

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(One Week Later)

You have survived a week working at Smosh and things have been going great. You have really gotten use to all the filming and script writing. You are enjoying every minute of it. Especially how close you and Noah have been getting. You are constantly messing with each other and Noah is constantly glancing at you. No matter what you are doing, Noah will try to sneak a glance at you. Every once and a while, Noah will flirt with you a bit and you will do it back. You are honestly starting to fall hard for him. But he still really hasn't made a move yet. That worried you. Maybe he doesn't really like you and he is just being nice. Courtney says he likes you and that you just have to wait but you just really want him to make a move. It was time to leave for Big Bear and everyone was at the office waiting to go.

"Ok! The vans are here guys! Time to pile in." Ian comes in and says. Everyone grabs their things and start to head out. You are talking to Noah and Keith on the way down.

"I am not ready for the cold. I can't do cold!" Keith complains. "Its ok! You can cuddle with Noah if you get cold." You joke. "I think Noah would like to be cuddling with someone else." Keith says, nudging Noah in the arm. Noah hits Keith back while you just laugh at their antics.

You climb into the back of the one van and Noah comes and sits right next to you. "Mind if I sit here?" he asks smiling at you. "I guess...." you say joking with him. You both just start talking as the ride begins. 

About a half hour into the ride, you start to look out the window. You lay your hand on the seat between you and Noah. You think nothing of it. After a bit, you feel something sliding into your hand. You stiffen up a bit in your seat. You turn to see Noah's hand slowly trying to intertwine with yours. He did it. He made a move. It was the move he talked about in the one episode  of "The Show with No Name." You look up at his face. He gives you a very timid smile, scared of what you might do. You slowly move your hand to fully intertwine with his. His smile grows on his face and so does yours. You are nervous and unsure what to do now. You turn to look back out the window, giving Noah's hand a little squeeze. His hands seem to fit so nicely with yours. HIs hand is soft but also a little clammy too. You are sure your hand is really clammy too right now. Noah's thumb starts to softly rub the back of your hand. You are still sitting there, tensed up in your seat. You let out a small yawn as you watch the landscape speed by.

"Hey...." Noah softly says. "If you are tired, how about you take a little nap. You can use me as a pillow if you want."

"Oh no no... Im fine." you stutter. "why are you so nervous!!!" You think

"There is no reason  to be so nervous with me (Y/N). I promise I wont bite" Noah says, giving  you a comforting smile. You finally relax in your seat. "Now come take a nap. I will wake you up when we get there." He moves a bit closer to you. You lay your head down on his shoulder. You both shift a bit to get comfy. You start to feel your eyes drop more and more. Noah's thumb rubbing your hand makes you relax more and more. Soon your eyes shut....


I look over to see (Y/N) asleep on my shoulder and I can't help but smile. I can't help but stare. She is just so cute all curled up on my shoulder.  Her hand is so soft and seems just to fit so perfectly in mine. There is something about this girl that just draws me in so much. I look up to see Keith and Shayne looking back at us. Both of them are taking pictures of us. I flip them off and they just laugh. Both of them knew how much I liked (Y/N).

"You are so beautiful" I softly whisper into (Y/N)'s head. Her hair smelt so good. I gently leave a small kiss on the top of her head, trying not to wake her. I take out my phone and quickly take a picture. It was too cute not to. 

"So you going to ask her out yet?" Keith asks

"I don't know. I mean why would a girl like her want to be with me." I say. I mean, I am just a nerdy guy and she is a beautiful talented girl. She could probably get any guy she wants. Why would she want me?

"Dude, she is curled up on your arm right now! She obviously likes you too. Just grow a pair and ask her out!" Keith tells me. I know he is right. But I am just too nervous. I look over at her again. She is just looks so peaceful. I smile at myself. 

"I need to ask her out..." I say finally admitting it to myself. 

"THATS MY BOY!" Keith screams. 

"Shhhh!" I try to quiet him down, not wanting to wake (Y/N).


"(Y/N).... (Y/N)..." You feel someone lightly shaking you. You open your eye and look up at Noah from your spot on hid shoulder. "Good Morning" Noah says to you. You slowly sit up and rub your eyes, trying to wake up. "you have a good little nap?" Noah asks

"Yeah. You have a pretty comfy shoulder." you tell him with a sleepy smile. 

"I have to say, you looked really cute all curled up on my shoulder." Noah says to you, making the heat rise to your face. "and you look really cute when you blush too" he whispers in your ear. The heat just rises even more. You try to hide your face in your hands but you forget your hand is still wrapped in Noah's. You end up hitting yourself in the head with Noah's hand. "Ow.." you say rubbing your head. 

"Awww. you poor thing." Noah says. He pulls you close and leaves a kiss on your forehead. You are kinda shocked that he did that but you are ok with in. "Come on! We have to start moving everything in." You and Noah both start to get out of the car, not letting go of each others hand.

"These games are going to be interesting." You think to yourself. 

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