Start of a Great Day

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Matt Raub dropped you off at your new apartment and helped you bring up your bags. "I had the girls from the office help decorate and set up the place a bit. If you want to change anything, feel free to but that will be with your own money." Matt Raub said. "No! its fine I like it." you said looking around a bit. "Well I will let you get settled in. By the way, welcome to the team." he said as he was leaving your new place. You took a second to look around. This was it. Your new place. 

It was a small studio apartment. As you walked in the door, you had a small living area to your left and a bathroom to the right.  The couch looked liked a futon, just incase you had a guest stay over. You had a small kitchen table, just enough for two people. The kitchen covered half of a wall.  As you walked in a bit more, you you had a desk at the end of your bed.  A dresser was hidden away in your closet. Your bed was covered in little decorative pillows. It may have been kinda small but it was definitely better than you could afford. You could get use to the place. This was your first time living alone and it scared and excited you. You only had large suitcase of stuff. The rest was being delivered later in the week. 

As you are starting to unpack your suitcase, you hear phone go off. You were surprised to see that it was Noah. 

Noah: Hey! How is everything (Y/N)! You like your new place?

You: Hey Noah! Everything is good right now. Just trying to unpack. How are you?

Noah: I'm good! I'm glad you are part of the team now😃

You smile at that message a bit. "Noah really is sweet." you think to yourself.

You: I'm glad to be part of the team too. 😃  Everyone really is great!

Noah: Yeah they are a bit crazy sometimes but nice. So random question, What is your go-to Starbucks drink?

You: Caramel Frap. Why?

Noah: No reason!

You look at the message, wondering why Noah would ask such a random question. You blow it off and continue to text him while you unpack. You spend the rest of the night getting settled and texting Noah. You are just talking about random things and getting to know each other more. You kinda enjoyed talking to him. He seemed really easy to talk to. And you had to admit, it was nice to have someone to talk to. As the hours pass, you finally decide to go to bed. You text Noah goodnight and fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow. 


You wake up to your alarm going off. Today was your first day at the Smosh office and you were beyond excited. You got up, ate some breakfast and started getting ready. You were in the middle of doing your make up when you hear your phone go off.

Noah: Good morning!😃 I hope you are ready! I will be at your place in 10 mins. 

You text back OK and finish up your make up. You grab all the stuff you need for work and headed out the door. You got outside just as Noah pulled up. He waved you over and flashed you a smile. You felt a bit nervous about everything. You got in the car and said "Hey Noah, Thank you so much by the way for agreeing to get me everyday."

"No problem (Y/N)! By the way, Here is a caramel Frap for you." He said handing you the drink. You were a little shocked that he got you the drink. "Awww Noah! You really didnt have to do that. Here, let me give you some money for it." You start to reach for you wallet. 

"No no no! Its fine (Y/N) It is just a little treat for your first day." Noah says. You look at him with a smile and say thanks. You can't help but notice how cute his smile really was. In fact you notice how cute he was in general with his glass, slightly blonde hair with still some hints of pink in it....

"Hello (Y?N)" Noah breaks you out of your trace. You realized you were staring and start to blush seeing how you now got caught "Oh.... Sorry." you say in pure embarrassment. 

 "It's fine!" He smiles at you again and you could just melt from how cute it was "You ready for your first day!" he asks you as you start driving toward the office. "Yeah... I guess! I just dont want to mess anything up today." you say, you feel yourself getting more nervous the closer you get to the office. Noah must notice this and keeps trying to make you laugh. It works some but you can still feel the nerves building up in your stomach. You both finally pull up to the office and park in the garage. You get out of the car and walk to the back of it. You see the doors to the building and freeze. This is it. You are now a member of Smosh. You are about to start your new life. Everything will ride on today going well. Messing up today could break you. You start freaking out more. Noah gets out of the car and sees you standing there. 

"Hey... (Y/N)! Are you ok" he asks you, sounding very concerned. You look at him, you can see the bit of worry on his face. " I dont know if I can do this Noah..." you say looking down at your feet, leaning up against the car. "hey..." Noah says causing you to look up. 

" You can do this (Y/N)! You got this. You got the job here, didnt you" you just nod at his question. "Exactly! You are funny and talented and you belong here. I know you can do this." Noah puts one of his arms around your shoulders and brings you back up off the care. He gives you a little squeeze and whispers in your ear " you can do this! I promise!" He gives you such a reassuring smile you cant help but believe him. You smile back at him causing his smile just to grow more. 

"Thank you Noah!" You say to him. "no problem!" he says pulling you in for a hug. You get a whiff of his cologne. He smells really good. He gives you a little extra squeeze in the hug before letting go. You look up at his face to see him staring down at you. When you both realize you have been caught staring at each other, you both blush "God he is even cute when he is blushing" you think to yourself. You dont know how long you guys were standing there but the moment was broken when Courtney called to you two to come and grab the elevator.

"Um... We should go" Noah says still blushing a bit. You nod your head and follow him to the elevator. You have a feeling that today might be a great first day after all. 

Author's Note: Let me know if you are liking this series! 

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