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Sorry this updates a day late but here it is

Alright so we've talked about a lot of false beliefs and a lot of bad stuff, however I decided we should talk a bit about what the Christian life really looks like. Starting of course with love

Now we as Christians are called to love everyone as it clearly states in many, many verses in the Bible, one of these being Matthew 22:37-39 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” Now I'm going to tell all you guys right now that it's going to be challenging, it's going to be very very difficult to love everyone.

However it is essential to show the world that we are different, that we are not like the world. Because, our ultimate goal as Christians is to make more Christians. and how could we ever hope to accomplish that if we are not set apart from the world?

Now allow me to clarify something, loving everyone does not mean liking everyone because let's face it, that's just impossible. But it does mean wanting the best for everyone, even when they've wronged you, even when they mess up constantly, we are still called to love these people. Which is one of the hardest commands in my opinion. Because when someone wrongs you it's soooo hard to still love them.

Now again I apologize for this update being a day late but I will actually update this again on the 17th, so get ready for that!

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