Osterfield Twins (T.H.) p2

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1st Person POV

"Harrison, why don't you ask Tom if he wants to take Y/N with you guys as well to America, I'm sure he wouldn't hesitate to say yes." Mother tells I'm assuming Harrison, down in the kitchen. I'm up in my room again, which means I can do my favourite thing, eavesdropping.

"But mum, even if she is allowed to go, which Tom probably has to talk to somebody, will she be able to pack in time. We leave in under a week." Haz is know trying to make up excuses, some brother he is.

"Have you met her before, she can do anything in that amount of time," oh mother, you know how to flatter me.

Haz sighs, a very loud one I may add. "I'll call him over, he probably won't want to come over unless I mention her name so this will be easy."

I've only been back at home for a week and mother is already trying to get rid of me, so we know who's not the favourite child, but I am the most successful.

About twenty minutes later, I can here more chatter in the living room and a different dog bark? Another dog bark.

Last time I checked, my family did owned a dog, as in one. Speaking of dogs, there's a scratching at my door. It doesn't help that my dog is open slightly, so the dog just walks right into my room.

The dog saw me sitting on my bed, and ran towards me, jumping on my bed. He/she lays his/hers head down on my lap as I pet him/her.

"Tessa, Tessa girl where did you- oh hey Y/N," Tom waves at me from my bedroom door. "I see you found Tessa, my dog." He says in an awkward tone.

"Yeah, and she's a big sweetie," I said as I rubbed her head. Her tongue comes out and starts licking the palm of my left hand.

Tom claps his hands together and looks around my room. "So this is what has been behind this door all these years." He tries to joke. I give off a little laugh and continue petting Tessa's head.  "Anyways, Y/N, if you don't mind, Tessa is used to this house and loves new things so could she just stay with you. She seems really attached. Otherwise if she leaves, you can just let her go anywhere she wants." Tom informs me and walks back out from my room.

"Okay!" I yelled out, hoping he heard me.

Footsteps ran back downstair, meaning Tom had left out top floor of our house. Tessa hung out on my lap, sleeping and cuddling with me.

"You want to share all of Tom and Haz's secrets with me? What they talk about? And possibly where they are hiding the cookies in this house?" Who am I kidding, Tessa doesn't know anything.

"Y/N," Haz shouts from the bottom of the stairs, "stop talking to the dog and come down here!"

I roll my eyes and move myself from my bed. Tessa looks up from her sleeping position, seeing me gone, and rushes to follow me downstairs.

My two feet followed by Tessa's four legs, running down the stairs, we sound like a monster.

"Slow down you two!" Mother calls out to me from who knows where.

"Tessa won't listen, but okay!" I yell back to mother, wherever she is. We arrive to the living room with Harrison lying upside down on the couch and Tom sitting next to him on the phone. Monty must be outside, otherwise she would be all over this place. Tessa ran up to Tom first as I sat down next to Harrison.

I patted my lap, "Tessa, come her girl!" She looked up from Tom's lap and ran over to me by stepping on Haz's stomach first. Haz made a groaning non-human noise and held his stomach.

"Good girl," I cooed, rubbing Tessa's head.

"YES," Tom practically yells in our house, "thank you, thank you, thank you, I mean I will see you in a few days, sir. Thanks again." He ends the phone call and tosses it across the living room floor.

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