Metal Hand Who? (P.P.)

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3rd Person POV

She was there for everything. James Buchanan Barnes and Y/N M/N Barnes both were enlisted in the army to fight during WW2. Bucky fought and Y/N fixed up wounds, well mostly his wounds.

But man, could that girl fight. When Steve and Bucky brought Y/N to help find something on a train, it didn't go as plan. Bucky fell off first, but Y/N was able to grab onto his arm before falling. Both Steve and Bucky told her to let go, but Y/N couldn't say bye to her brother like this. Needless to say, they both fell. As there were falling, both siblings yelled lovely things towards each other, until they got knocked out.

When Hydra found the siblings, Bucky's left arm and Y/N's right hand was crushed under a rock. They dragged their body's off to the Hydra base to fix up their limbs and brainwash more Winter Soldiers.

Bucky and Y/N were the unstoppable team. She hacked into buildings and was the smarts of the team while he did all the gun and fight work. Sure, they could do each other's jobs, but Hydra made them focus on their main jobs. If Bucky wanted to hack into buildings, he got brainwashed. If Y/N wanted to fight, she got brainwashed.

But there is a rule on Y/N in the Hydra facility; if they needed more fighters, they would brainwash her into fight mode. Then she would become the most badass assassin out there. Hydra called this Frosty mode.

Winter Soldier and Frosty, the dynamic duo. So Hydra froze them for future uses.

Years later, they unfroze them. Then Hydra brainwashed them some more, and sent them on a new mission. Kill Steve Rogers.

Hydra put Y/N on Frosty mode, making it even easier for Bucky and Y/N to find him. Steve eventually "saved" the siblings from Hydra, but made sure to protect them until death. No one actually knew when that was, Bucky's had to be at least 100, Steve's in his late 90s, and Y/N is in her early 90s. They could die anytime now.

And now, the Barnes' siblings are on the run. Steve has been helping his best friend and best friend's sister in hiding; they go from airplane to airplane, country to country, and even old Hydra base to old Hydra base.

"Hey, sister," Bucky appeared from behind a curtain and smiled at Y/N. Steve has been flying an airplane over the Atlantic Ocean, planning to meet up with Wanda, Sam, Clint, and a new guy that Sam found on the internet. He has something to do with growing and shrinking that is useful to their "team" of heroes.

"Bucky," she says quietly, polishing her metal hand that she had gotten so many years before. The metal ran up her right arm, right below her elbow, and has a bright red star on the inside of her wrist.

By now, the girl could see her reflection in her arm, but seeing that sad smile along her face made her angry. That smile has given her nightmares nobody asked her; a smile she was cursed with.

"You know you don't have to do this, Y/N. I know how you feel about fighting and such," Bucky whispered quietly next to his baby sister. "And I know—"

"—you don't understand." Y/N interrupts, scaring Bucky at her sudden anger impulse. "I'm not like you. Fighting for me is like a drug, once I start I can't stop and sometimes it can get out of hand. Then I start getting memories of the past and I freak out and pass out."

Bucky sat down next to his baby sister and took the cloth out of her hand so she'd stop making herself anxious. "That's why I'm telling you that you don't have to do this."

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