The Maid in the Prince's Tale (T.H.) p3

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1st Person POV

By now a hour or more has passed. I quietly made my way but up the stairs and through the halls to the ballroom, that I helped decorate.

Lots and lots of loud noises echoed through the palace. All the princesses of different kingdoms and their family's must be here already, this is going to be nerve racking.

The entrance to the ballroom is right there. I can turn back now, or I could walk in and run this place.

Too late now, because my feet have wandered into the ballroom. Looks like I can't turn back now.

Tryin' catch your eye from the side of the ballroom

Everybody's dancin' and the bands top volume

Prince Thomas is standing there, talking to all the princesses who are in line to impress him. The King and Queen sit behind them in their thrones with Prince Harry and Prince Sam chatting to some other Princesses they have told me about. Then there was Prince Patrick, he's over by the snack table, like always.

Immediately, Tom's eyes lit up when he saw me. Pink dress, blacks flats, silver and pink mask, everything he picked out for me.

My heart is racing, but I don't notice it because of how loud the room is. But I do notice that Tom has ignored all the other girls and began to walk over to me. My feet reluctantly follow and walk down the stairs, trying not to trip over my dress, to meet Tom at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hello, Prince," I breath out, stepping closer to him.

"Hello, Princess," he smiled down at me, taking both of my hands. "Care to have this dance?"

"Princess? I'm no princess, but sure, My Lord." I tease, causing Tom to smirk down at me and pull me through the giant crowd in this room.

Passing by tons and tons of royal people made me nervous, even more when I heard some of them gasp as we rush past them. The music quickly dies down as Tom bows in the center of the ballroom, and I follow with a small plié instead. Everyone in the room forms a circle around us, getting ready to watch us. That's not nerve racking, what's nerve racking is that the King is staring down at us, confused but also annoyed.

This made me tense up, the thought of everyone now watching, especially the King himself, who just also happens to be Tom's father.

"Relax, Princess. Just think of this as another lesson, but don't jump on me this time." Tom whispers and grins at me. I quietly giggle back, not noticing entirely that his right arm is around my back and he's holding out his left hand for me to copy.

My body relaxes and I gently hold his left hand with my right hand and softly put my other hand on his right shoulder. Ballroom dancing, let's get on with this.

The live music begins, and it's quite beautiful. Tom begins with taking one step backwards, causing me to take a step forward in his direction, and everything went from there. We start from one side of the room, ending on the other.

Tom spun me in a circle, smiling gently down at me before taking off again. "You ready?" He whispered, and released our two hands.

"As I'll ever be," I whisper back and jump slightly into the air. My left hand wrapped around the back of his neck as his right hand slid more around my waist and held onto me. He spun the two of us in a couple of circles, but who was counting?

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