Strangers (P.P.)

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2nd Person POV (except you have a new name)

Time Set: VERY early Infinity War Era (not spoilers)

Doctor Stephan Strange is your father, and as he is your father, you are his daughter. Sabrina Strange.

Back when your father's accident happened, you took care of him no matter how frustrated he got with you. Luckily for you, you are 16 and could drive him places around New York.

Fast forward a little bit, your father brought you along to learn how to keep his hands "stable". Needless you say, you guys can both do unstoppable magic with the flick of your wrists and a ring.

So here you guys are; Doctor Strange. Long red cape, blue uniform, combat boots, and lots of jewels. Lady Strange. Short red cape with a hood, blue dress, long combat boots, and lots of jewels as well.

You guys are unstoppable.


The sound of your father's voice echoes in the small apartment. Quickly after, another, more strong, sounding voice echoes after him.

Over and over again, the two voices would disappear and reappear all the House, which means father is using magic in front of this guy.

Your first instinct is to go see all the commotion your father is causing, but you have a better idea. The next thing you know, you are upside down, staring straight at the house guest, and smirking at him.

The man jumps back, obviously startled by your magical appearance, and stares back at you with his eyes wide.

"There's another one of you?" He asks dumbfounded, taking a swig of his beer your father keeps refilling.

"Well, she is my daughter," you father laughs, picking out more books from the many, many shelves. "Thor, Sabrina Strange, Sabrina Strange, Thor." He quickly introduces you and Thor before zapping to another part of the house.

"You're a, erm, big guy there," you quietly laugh, "with very nice hair, I might add."

"Thank you, small child," Thor says, waving you off to talk to your father again. "When can I get my brother back."

Your father rolls his eyes, "when you promise to never bring him to earth again."

"I promise, as soon as you tell me how I can get back to Asgard, I take my brother straight back with me." Thor promise, puffing out his chest a little.

You quietly laugh again, "you live in Ass-gard?"

Thor gives you a confused look while father shoots you a quick death glare. With a flick of his wrist, another male drops down from a portal, face planting into the hardware floor.

"Oh my god," the man in green mumbles, "I have been falling for thirty minutes! I just kept falling on and on- why hello there pretty lady." He gets up from the floor, gently kissing the top of your hand.

Your father almost reacts too quickly, but Thor does as well, stepping in between you and the man in green. "Loki, step any closer to my daughter, and I'll send you back." Your father hisses in the man, Loki's, face.

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