How you meet!

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Android 18~
I was walking through town after a nice shopping spree with my friends, once we all went our separate ways I saw a young woman, blonde hair, blue eyes and ragged clothing.. poor girl! I looked down at my bags and went up to her, the closer I got the prettier she was, I blushed brightly just looking up to her, (Most females will probably be shorter, want a change lemme know :D) she looked at me her face a deadpan, I couldn't read her expression.

"H-Hi Ma'ma I'm sorry to bother you but-"

I shoved a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt into her chest and once she had them in her grasp I ran, or at least tried to. She grabbed my arm and I slowly looked at her,

"What's your name?" she asked

"(Y-Y/N)" I said blushing as I looked into her piercing ocean blue eyes, she looked closer at me I closed my eyes as I felt her let go, I opened them again.

"(Y/N).. I.. my name is 18, Thank you for the clothes, (Y/N).." and with that she walked away,



I was given an application for a job as Bulma Brief's assistant and I was more than excited showing up to the interview. I saw in a room of mostly men talking amongst themselves about how well this job pays and how hot Bulma was, I was sickened by the conversations in all honesty but once my name was called I was excited once more.

"(First name/Last name)" I looked up and saw Bulma with a clipboard looking for me,

"That's m- Aghh!" I tripped over someone's shoe and the entire room burst into laughter as all my papers flew everywhere and I landed on my face and chest. I was too embarrassed to get up I laid there and apologized over a million times.

"Oh gosh! Are you alright sweetheart?" she rushed to my side and helped me up, and proceeded to pick up my papers, I got down to help but she asked me to go and sit in her office. I did as I was asked and waited.

After a minute or so she shut the door behind her and sat in her chair in front of me.

"Quite an introduction you did out there sweetheart."

"I-I.. thanks.. " I blushed looking away rubbing my arm,

"lets get started." she smiled.



I was running an apple stand at the town's famer's market one summer morning, it rained the night before so the air was wet and felt more crisp as the wind blew, a woman with her two sons walked by and the youngest one grabbed an apple off the stand looking into it,

"Wow Gohan look! You can see your reflection in it!!" he said excitedly.

I giggled as the older brother named 'Gohan' squatted to his younger brother's level looking into the apple. By this time the mother had stopped and walked up to the two dark-haired boys.

"What are you two doing bothering this young lady? Put the apple back Goten." she said looking at some squash at another stand,

"Ok mama." he said putting the apple back, I could see he was sad he couldn't take it with him.

"Hey!" I smiled, Goten stopped and turned to look at me. I walked around my stand and got to eye level of Goten, I looked at the shiny apple and picked it off my stand and whispered "I'll give you this apple for free if you can get your mom to come by and see me more often," I smiled

"Ok!" he ran a few steps but then stopped, bowed and said "Thank You!" I smiled,

He nodded excitedly ran to his mother and told her what just happened, who in return looked at me and smiled.

'I hope to see her again..' I thought.



First Day of Junior year of high school.. I let out a deep sigh, I walked into the building and instantly ran into someone knocking us both over,

"Hey watch where you're going next time what's the big idea!?" a boy yelled

"O-Oh no I-I'm so sorry I-" I looked up and saw a jock type pick up his bag and stomp on my papers as he went to class because the bell rang.. great.. I started slowly picking up my papers and books.

"What a jerk!" a girl said, then started helping me, I look up once more, and saw the most beautiful girl with long pony tails and I was at a loss for words and I just helped her pick up my books and papers,

"What's your name?" she asked handing me my English book,


"I haven't seen you around here before. You new?"

"No.. I just tend to keep to myself." I said quietly

"Well (Y/N) I'm Videl and it looks like we have Math together!" she smiled helping me to my feet.

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