9: mr. detective

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this is so long, sorryyy!! the smut comes a little later, but listen, it takes time to write the story line. you can't just have jc penetrate kian after they talked about eating a banana.


if there was one thing kian could actually not lie about, it would be that he was definitely not a got damn criminal. so him being locked in a cell for almost an hour now, really made his anixety flare.

what did he do? why was he here? he should've been at home eating dinner with his mom and siblings.

"mr. detective?" the eighteen year old boy squeaked from behind the bars.

the guy turned around, "what?" he huffed. kian felt like crying.

"why am i here?" he asked.

the detective walked towards the holding cell. "i don't know if you're fucking stupid or not, but people come to the station when they do something bad," he explained.

kian frowned, "i didn't do anything," he said. the detective laughed, like he said some type of hilarious joke.

"kid, that's what they all say," he shook his head as he unlocked kian's cell. he grabbed kian's arm and dragged him into a room. he shoved kian in a seat and sat down across from him.

kian played with his handcuffs to try and ease his fear. "all ya gotta do is tell the truth and we'll go from there," he said.

"mr. detective, i have no idea what you're talking about. i haven't done anything," kian tried to tell him, but the guy wasn't having it.

"stop calling me mr. detective, for one. my name is justin," he almost yelled at kian. "two, we have a witness who can prove you did it," justin said.

kian almost banged his head on the table. "what did i supposedly​ do?" he asked.

justin slammed his hands down on the table, "we know you shoplifted, boy. just fucking admit it!"

kian sunk in his seat, whimpering. "i didn't do it!" he cried. justin was fuming. this kid was such a pansy. he was dressed in tight pants, a crop top, and his hair was even colored baby blue with a flowercrown pushing his hair back.

"tell me then, fag, what did you to today?" justin leaned over the table.

"you don't have to use insults!" kian yelled out of anger. people always picked on him. he wasn't going to let a high tempered cop, or whatever he was, bully him.

"don't raise your voice at me," the detective walked towards kian. he leaned down close to his face. "now, tell me what you do today. step by step," he said. kian could smell his minty breath and probably too expensive cologne. for some reason it intimidated him.

"i woke up this morning and ate breakfast with one of my sisters. after that, i headed off to school," he paused and shifted in his seat. he felt uncomfortable. justin sighed and backed away from kian. he yanked his chair over and sat so he was in front of kian's side.

with a deep breath, kian continued. "after my third class, i left school," he stopped taking. the detective raised his eyebrow up.

"why?" he asked. kian went to hug himself, but realized he had handcuffs on.

"some kids at school were bullying me. ya know, just throwing me around and stuff. i ran out of the school and went home," he explained.

"alright, what did you do after that?" justin didn't have time to feel sorry for the kid. he needed answers so he could go home and eat a stupid ass tv dinner and work on more cases.

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