Dare(Branch): Kidnapp Mr.Dinkles

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Branch: What the Troll? How? Biggie's constantly around him! Twenty. Four. SEVEN!

Poppy: I'm sure he won't notice. Hehe...

With The Snack Pack

Poppy: Heya guys!*waves*

Biggie: Hey Poppy! How are you?

Poppy: Perfect! DAB BOI!

TSP: *gives her a tf look*

DJ: What was that?

Branch: *Grabs Mr. Dinkles and runs faster than the speed of light*

Biggie: Mr. Dinkles, don't you think that was a little bit wei-*is silent for 5 sec* *completley loses it* MR.DINKLES!!! WHERE ARE YOUUUUUU????!!!! MR.DINNNNKKKLLLLEEESSSSSS!!!

Branch:  Oh my troll. This was such s good dare. Don'tcha think?*looks at Mr. Dinkles*

Mr. Dinkles: Mew.

Branch: Oh, right. You don't speak...

Mr.Dinkles: Oh Snap!

Branch: AHHH! *drops Mr. Dinkles on a random leaf*

Biggie: *hears Mr. Dinkles 'Mew'* MR. DINKLESSSSSSSS!! I HEAR YOU!! BUT I DON'T SEE YOUUU!!

Mr. Dinkles: Mew..,

Poppy: *is dying inside* His relationship is so cute with him.

Biggie: *sees branch with Mr. Dinkles* *gasps loud* HOW DARE YOU TAKE MR. DINKLES!! *grabs Mr. Dinkles* ARE YOU OKAY??

Branch: It was a dare Bigs! No 'Biggie'. Pun intended.

Biggie: Hmph.*storms off*

TSP: *bursts out laughing*

Poppy: That's all for now! *is still laughing*

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