YES! We got Shiro and Lance back, Coran is fixing Shiro's arm because his arm is bent and out of shape. I can't imagine how many horrible things they did to poor Shiro, I'm firing all we have at Zarkons ship but it's not working.......(3 hours later)...... WERE ALMOST OUT OF WEPONS, Shiro, I need you to get out there with the black lion and fight. (Allura over the intercom) PALADINS, SHIRO IS OUT WITH HIS LION...I NEED YOU TO FORM VOLTRON NOW BEFORE WE LOSE THIS BATTLE AND ZARKO- oh no....
To Be Continued.......
The Search For Shiro
ActionWhere is Shiro? Everyone is asking about the black lion and leader of Voltron. In this story, everyone is on a lookout for Shiro. Each chapter is narrated by a different paladin as they look through the whole galaxy to find The Black Lion. And no...