Chapter 7

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'I see an angry looking Niall walking over to us'

"Amanda!" He yells, " Lets go!" Niall grabs my wrist and takes me with him.

I look back to see a confused looking Cameron.
"What the hell Niall!!" I yell, once we get outside.

"What!?" He replies trying to play dumb.
"I was having a good time why'd you have to interrupt?"

"Not now, just let's go." Niall saying while walking towards his car.
I groan and catch up to him.
The car ride back was awkward, no one was talking and Niall was still slightly mad.

"So you really chose that twat over me?" Niall asks.

"Well ya, I guess. I mean he isn't a complete dick like you". I retort.

"Haha well at least I've got one, and you barely even know him." he says

"Well I barely know you." I say back. It's true though, I know Niall as much as I know Cameron.

"Why do you even care? You came up with the deal anyways."

Niall stays silent and so do I. It felt like the car ride back was longer. So I started to drift asleep.


When I wake up I'm in a bed with Niall. We must be I'm his dorm room because this doesn't look like mine.

Niall's arm is around my waist and he is spooning me.

I'm too tired to do anything about it do I drift off back to sleep.

I wake up this time because I hear someone closing a door. It must be Niall because he is no longer in the bed.

I lay back for a while thinking and I realize that I forgot my jacket at the club yesterday.
Oh shit.

Luckily, I kept my phone in the waistband of my leggings and my keys were in the car.

I hear the shower turn off so Niall must be done. I don't why Niall got so pissed off yesterday but whatever. I really need to go back to my dorm.

I get up from the bed and look in the mirror, my makeup is smudged and my hair looks terrible. I grab the hair band off my wrist and pull my hair into a bun. As I'm about to walk up and open the door someone interrupts me.

HEYY. So this chapter isn't very good but I didn't no what else to write, comment your thoughts about the story and please vote.
I'm going to update soon :).

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