Chapter #11: Passed Out

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October, Thursday 6th, 2016

She wakes up as normal and turns on her radio. Hello by Hedley was on again. But when she heard the chorus she changed the station. It reminded her of Justin. Then she turned to her dresser and picked out a black long sleeve shirt and blue skinny jeans.

She didn't want anyone to see her cuts. Though there were some on her face. She tried to hide it with some make up. But her lips weren't covered.

Finally she put on some light blue converses and walked down the stairs with her phone in her back pocket and her bag on her shoulder.

She didn't bother to talk to her mom. She also is going to use her own money today for a lunch. She missed breakfast too. She just went out to wait for the bus.

After about 5 minutes, a truck stops at the end of the driveway where Aquarius is waiting for the bus. The window rolls down and reveals James and Justin.

"Hey Aqua. How's it goin'?" James asked.


"You what a ride?" Asks James.

"N-No. I'm good waiting for the bus." She tells him.

"Okay. Suit yourself."

The window rolls up and the truck starts rolling away.

After it's gone, Aquarius starts freaking out.

"God! Why can't I talk to them!"

Then the bus stops. She gets on and sits in her regular seat.

Another 5 minutes and they arrive at school.

But she was feeling a bit sick. She got off the bus and walked to the school. Then her friends ran up to her.

"Aquarius! You're okay!" Hazel shouted, giving her a quick hug.

"Of course I am. I'm sorry for not texting you guys."

"It's cool. But text us next time. At least text one of us." Lynn said.

"Okay. I got it."

Then her ears felt like they were plugged, her vision was starting to get blurry.

"Aquarius? Are you okay?" She heard July ask. But it felt like she was hearing her through ear muffs.

Her vision started to become more blurry. Her head started spinning.

"Aquarius, are you...." Hazel asked. But Aquarius didn't hear the rest of what she said. She collapsed, and when she did Emily screamed.

Groups of people started gathering around them. The 5 of them crouch beside Aquarius on the ground.

"Move! Get out of my way!" Justin yelled.

Justin made his way through the crowd of people.


He crouches beside Hazel. James and 4 other friends behind him.

"What happened?" He asked.

"She just passed out. Other then that I don't know." Hazel explained.

"We should at least take her in to the nurses office."

They nod. Justin carefully picks Aquarius up.

"Come on people! Out of the way!" He yelled.

"You heard the man, move!" James helped.

As James and the 4 guys lead the way out of the group Justin and the girls followed.

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