Chapter 4

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Wyllera 100 years ago.

Aldeheid sucked in a deep breath and held it, letting the frigid air soak through him. Above him, the moonlit sky was dotted with an abundance of stars. Below, his home kingdom was coated in a fresh blanket of snow. Spots of golden light from torches added a splotch of colour to the otherwise monochrome landscape.

Such was the tundra during the dead of winter, and he hated it. Everything was at a standstill. The constant snow and storms made trade and travel nigh impossible. So all they did was hide away, trying to stay warm and making sure their food stores would last until the thaw. He couldn't remember the last time it was anything but freezing in the tundra, but winters held the type of cold that even the sun couldn't chase away.

It was still and quiet enough for Aldeheid to hear his pulse in his ears, and his breath clouded the air in front of his face. After an exhausting evening of entertaining dinner guests with the King, he wanted to end his night on a high note. A successful cape trial would be said note.

"Cold feet?"

Aldeheid smiled over his shoulder at Amelie. She stood in the doorway, warm light pouring over her form and illuminating her chestnut hair and hazel eyes. The cacophony he'd retreated from spilled from the confines of the castle walls, a combination of music, laughter and indulgence.

He shrugged. "I just needed a little air."

Amalie closed the door and the small distance separating them. "You're not... well..." she trailed off, looking past him towards the city. "Are you having second thoughts about this? About us?"

Aldeheid took her hand and squeezed it. "Of course not. This is just a trial. Even if it fails, it won't change anything between us, I promise."

"I understand. But whoever becomes your cape will be the future queen of Wylerra, and if the trial fails—"

"You will be my Queen regardless. And, either way, that's a long, long time from now. We'll have plenty of time together before that." He grinned at her. "You'll make Wyllera a fine Queen, I know it."

A blush coloured her cheeks, and she cleared her throat. "I got you something. To celebrate." She reached into her coat and pulled out a velvet pouch, before emptying its contents into her palm.

"An earring?" The gaudy bauble had three beads of varying sizes stacked upon each other, interspersed with tiny gold rings.

"Diamond for prosperity, jade for protection, and onyx for strength." She held it by the little loop at its top. "May I?" When he bowed his head, she worked the sapphire stud from his ear and replaced it with her gift. "It suits you."

Now it was his turn to blush. "I didn't get you anything."

"I have everything I need right here." She looped her arms around him and stood on her toes. But their moment was interrupted by a soft sound coming from the door.

Queen Iyari stood in the narrow shaft of light coming from inside, her ashen hair stained gold from its glow. "We're ready for you two."

Hand in hand they followed her into the warmth of the castle. The halls were alight with sunorbs that radiated heat and golden light. They took the stairs up to the top floor, where the trial chamber awaited them.

Aldeheid looked over the the cauldron, the pedestal, the refreshments off the to side. Everything seemed to be in order. He'd spent the better part of the week preparing for this, heating and cooling the cauldrons, testing the pedestal, making sure everything was in perfect, working order.

Only a small group of people were gathered in the chamber, mostly castle guards, along with the King, Wenry, Jayer and Jetei.

Wenry bounded over to them, all smiles and bouncy golden curls. "Al, look at this new Tactica figure!" She held up the little, stone dragon fixed to a wooden base.

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