Chapter 36

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Fate is such a funny thing.

At least that's what Mellidius used to say. And Aldeheid had to disagree. Fate was not 'funny' – it had definitely never gotten a laugh out of him. Was it fate that had exiled him into the tundra? Was it fate that had cursed his hands, that had made him cape killer? Was it fate that had allowed Wenry to suffer such a cruel  fate?

Fate could fall off a cliff and die for all he cared, and it could take death with it.

Gebarro is going to ask you to join our cause.

Kitaya's words rang through his head, and he had to wonder if this was fate luring him into an elaborate trap. He'd been over the moon when he first joined the Etheria Bastion – eager to start a new life in a new realm. And that had turned out spectacular.

Aldeheid leaned heavily on the warm marble post and gazed out over the dark expanse of the desert. Stars winked down at him from an inky, moonless sky. He had no idea what hour of the night it was, only that sleep had eluded him for too long. The cool breeze blowing through the curtains had lured him out on the balcony, and he'd been out there since.

Along with the snake, that had followed him out there. For some reason. Well, only half of it because that was all the space on the balcony would allow.

Aldeheid looked at the flower he'd taken from his bedside, twisting the stem between his fingers. The lips of the once white petals were now tinged blue. Wenry would like this. The thought made a dull ache settle in his chest.

"Can't sleep?"

Aldeheid swiveled his head around.

Kitaya stood just beyond the curtains, the tip of her sheathed sword planted on the ground. She used it as a crutch and hobbled over to him.

The snake opened one eye and raised its head, moving closer to her. It allowed her to lean on its head and guided her to Aldeheid's side.

"Thank you Kenaubeh." The tail of her robe pooled around her as she sat down. "Where'd you get that flower?" She peered at it, her brows furrowed.

Aldeheid offered it to her. "I took it from the vase at my bedside and blushed the petals."

Kitaya rubbed them with her finger, then checked to see if the pigment came off. "You did this with magic?"

"Indeed. In the tundra, everything is monochrome and bland. So we would blush plants to add colour to our..." His words faded when he saw Kitaya staring at him with both eyebrows raised. "What?"

"You've never said anything about your old home. Not even when I asked. I'm just... surprised is all." She shrugged.

"I admit that it's not a part of my life I enjoy speaking of. I..." He rubbed his cheek. He wasn't sure if he was ready to tell Kitaya about those dark times. Would she think less of him?

There was a long pause before Kitaya said: "I know someone who can heal it for you. If you want it gone, that is."

Aldeheid's heart sank like a stone in a pond. She knows. He ground his teeth together. Did Jayer tell her?

"I saw it. Back in the village after we fought that magician. Your skin was peeling and well..." She averted her eyes, like she felt bad for knowing.

"I see." So the balm hadn't held up like he thought it would. It made no sense hiding it from her any longer then. He poked and prodded his left cheek, feeling for the edges of the balm that covered his brand. Then lifted one edge and ripped it off.

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