Chapter 13

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Wylerra 100 years ago...

Aldeheid stared out at the courtyard below his chamber window. Silence reigned, save for the crackle of the fire in his hearth – another reason he hated the winters months. During the warmer months there would be children chasing each other around the fountains and bird baths. The nomadic tribes would pass through, selling wares from faraway lands. And he'd be able to escape the castle, and maybe the prison of his own mind for a little while.

He'd never been one to stay cooped up in his chambers. But it was better than being out amongst everyone else, with their looks of pity and their useless reassurances that things would work out. The only way "things would work out" was if Amalie came back. That was all he wanted. But it was the one thing he couldn't get.

And so, all his meals were eaten in his room. Whatever work needed to be done was done from his room. If anyone wanted to see him, they came to his room. He wasn't sure how Baldavin felt about it, but he found himself unable to care. He felt mentally handicapped and unable to perform at the level needed for interacting with his peers.

Aldeheid was drawn out of his idle pondering by a knock on his door. Jayer waltzed in like he owned the place with Jetei and Wenry in tow.

"Look Al, Jetei gave me a braid," Wenry said. She bounded over to him and did a little twirl.

He put on a smile that he hoped was convincing. "Very pretty."

"Hurry up and get dressed," Jayer said, lounging on a settee. "Baldavin is already in a mood."

"Dressed for what?"

"Oh, you weren't told? His royal highness has arranged cape trials for you today." Jayer sounded amused. "I'm here to escort you to your first."

A cold sweat broke out on Aldeheid's skin as a deep sense of foreboding wound his stomach into knots. "Cape trials? As in more than one? Why was I not informed of this?"

"Well for one, you haven't been out of this room since your last trial. And secondly, what would you have done? Tell the King no?"

"Perhaps I could've—"

"Could've what?" Jayer breathed a mirthless laugh. "Has all this grieving suddenly made you stupid? So long as we're under this roof, we're under Baldavin's heel. When he says kneel, we kneel or we get crushed." He scowled, the expression twisting his face into a mask of bitterness. "But you're his golden boy, so of course you get a pass. It's the rest of us who have to bear the brunt of his wrath."

"What will you have me do, Jayer? You think I enjoy watching him treat you all horribly? I may be his Sahn Cera, but I'm afraid of him too."

"That I'd suggest you hurry and get dressed." With that, Jayer turned and walked out of the room.

Jetei was staring after his magician, his face impassive. Then he sighed and placed a hand atop Wenry's head. "Why don't we go play some Tactica."

Wenry squealed and bounced up and down. "Let's go! Let's go! Bye Al." She waved before racing from the room with Jayer close behind.

Aldeheid slouched in his seat and pinched the bridge of his nose. Jayer was right, saying no to the King would only serve to his detriment. Yet the very thought of going through another cape trial made his stomach turn. There had to be something he could do to stop this.

And so he donned his strongest enchanted gear and met Jayer out in the hall. "How many cape trials did the King arrange?"

Jayer smirked. "You'll see in a moment." They navigated a maze of halls and stairwells, passing small acloves, countless chambers and storage spaces. The familiar sights greeted them - vaulted ceilings, wall sconces filled with sun stones and tapestries large enough to cover small houses. As they neared the heart of the castle, the sounds of commotion echoed off the walls. Servants drifted past them, carrying food and drink.

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