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Selena's POV.

I was now up and early for some reason don't ask why because I don't know why it's like everything bad in my life that has happened to me just disappeared for now. I was walking down the stairs when I saw my mother with breakfast on the table I walked over to her and hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. " Aww sweetie thank you, what are you so happy about?" I smiled at her " Me and Justin are going on a date Friday night." I said " Oh, sweetie does her know about-" before my mom could finish her sentence I said " No he doesn't, mom I don't think I can tell him, at least not yet can we just see where things go okay?" She nodded " Just don't wait to long to tell him Selena." I nodded and grabbed some pancakes and Orange juice.

I stared eating when I heard my brother came down. " What up." I looked at him and rolled my eyes, " So you aren't going to talk to me because I saw you and your little boyfriend the other day." My mother looked at us " Cameron what are you talking about?" My mother asked him " Oh you know that Bieber boy and her he was in her room." He smirked " Oh I remember, he was sweet." Cameron had his mouth hung open " What you aren't going to yell at her because she brought that trash in our house!" Cameron said " He is not trash the only trash in this house is you." I told him and I walked off I hate him so much, " Selena get back here please and your brother is not trash!" My mom yelled back at me.
I ignored her and just drove to school, I never yelled at my brother like that before but he deserved it.

" Hey Selena," I turned around and seen my best friend, " Hey Harper" I smiled at her " So you coming to the animal shelter later?" She asked " Yeah, sure can't wait to see the pups."  I told her I turned back around and bumped into someone " Ouch that hurt." I looked up the see a smirking Justin " Well what a nice way to see you." He said and damn I bet my cheeks turned as red as a tomato.
" Hey." I smiled " Aye JB let's go man-" his best friend Ryan said " Yeah, hold on." He said " Can't wait till Friday." He said smirking then left with Chaz and Ryan. " Oh does Selena have a boyfriend?"
Harper asked " No I do not have a boyfriend we are just friends okay." I told her.

We walked to class and surprisingly Chaz was at Harpers desk , " Uh hey Chaz." She smiled at him "hi Harper, I was uh wondering would you maybe want to go out with me on a date sometime?" She looked at him and grinned and hugged him " Yes, I will go on a date with you." He smiled and hugged her " Oh come on not you Chaz." Ryan rolled his eyes. What's his problem? I looked over at Justin and he just shrugged okay then. " Okay class let's get started."
Class was over and now it's time for lunch favorite part of the day. " Hey Sel let's sit with Chaz and them I'm sure you wanna sit with Justin." She smirked I rolled my eyes " I don't think Ryan would like that." I told her " Who cares what Ryan thinks, come on." And she pulled me to their table " Hey girls." Chaz said " Hey Chaz," " Hey Sel." Justin said and my cheeks turned pink again " Hi" I smiled at him Ryan just rolled his eyes again and Justin caught him. "Dude what the hell is your problem huh?" Justin asked him " Oh nothing it's just that this girl is changing you man you don't you see it and we hardly spend time with each other or talk because of Her."
He yelled I was speechless.

" Well if you have a problem with me and Selena hanging out then why don't you leave." Ryan laughed " Didn't you always say Bros before Hoes?"
And he left " Hey I'm sorry guys I don't know why he cares so much about us being friends." I nodded
" Maybe he's jealous ya know?" Chaz said " Yeah he could be." Harper agreed with him.

It was now the end of the day me and Harper are now at the animal shelter, " Hey could you go get the bath for the dogs ready?" Harper asked " Yeah sure."
I walked back to get the bath ready for the dogs. I went back to get some of them ready when I saw Justin and Harper talking " Oh hey there's Selena."
" Hey Sel." He smiled " Hey what you doing here?"
" Well you know I still need to work with you right?" He chuckled " Oh yeah, well come with me." I took his hand " Okay so let me go get the pups and you can get ready to wash them." I said and walked away
" Excuse me but can someone help me!" I heard a lady say at the front desk " Hi, how may I help you?"
" Yes, I found this poor pup outside on the highway all by himself do you take dogs in?" She asked " Yes, we do here let me take him." He was the cutest pup
" Well thank you for bringing him here instead of leaving him." I smiled at her and she left.

" Hey Justin we got another pup, isn't he the cutest."
I told him he smiled " yeah he is." We put him in the bath " Okay can you hand me the soap because I can't get it yeah." I went out into the other room to get some soap and I heard a big "splash" " Ahh" I walked into the room and Justin was in the bathtub with the pup " Omg haha Justin are you okay?" I laughed " ha ha ha can you please help me." I walked over to him to grab his hand when he pulled me in.
" Haha " he laughed " Justin!" I yelled " Yes." He gave me a innocent look " why the hell dis you pull me in." I said " Because you need to have some fun"
" Oh whatever" I rolled my eyes.
" uh guys what's going on?" Harper asked " You ask Justin he pulled me in." I told her " uh excuse me but the pup actually made me fall in." He said " Okay  whatever just get out you guys we have people here they don't want to see you guys flirt." Harper said and walked away " Really we are not flirting." I yelled " Oh but I think we are." I turned around and saw Justin smirking " Oh whatever."

Hey guys what you think is gonna happen next and this is based off of a walk to remember but different so yeah please comment what you think and vote❤️
The pup looks like this adorable 🐶

Hey guys what you think is gonna happen next and this is based off of a walk to remember but different so yeah please comment what you think and vote❤️The pup looks like this adorable 🐶

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