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Selena's POV.

" So what happened?" Harper asked me when she picked me up, " Well I told him about having cancer and we got in a argument and then I left." I told her
" I feel so bad for leaving him, but I had to. He looked hurt and sad. I understand the hurt because I didn't tell him." I said sadly looking at my hands on my lap. " Well if he cares about you, which I'm sure he does he will come back for you." She told me " But why are you so sure." I asked her " Because I see the way he looks at you, like you are the only girl in the room." After that the car went silent.
It didn't take long to get to my house Harper dropped me off and I thanked her then she left I went inside to see jack G , Johnson and sam on the couch with bags of chips all around them with drinks. " What you guys still doing here?" I asked them " Waiting for you." G replied " So how was the date?" Sam said " It was uh good at first-" before I could finish they all said at the same time " what did he do!" They yelled " he did nothing wrong, it's just that I told him that I had cancer, and he was upset that I didn't tell him." I told them looking down at my hands, " Aww Selly he will come around soon, if he really likes you he will." Sam told me smiling I nodded " Well I'm gonna go up to my room." I told them they waved after me, I got up to my room and changed into some pajamas and went to my desk I found a free sheet of paper I grabbed a pen and stared writing some lyrics that came to mind,

Little do you know
How I'm breaking while you fall asleep
Little do you know
I'm still haunted by the memory
Little do you know
I'm trying to pick myself  from piece by piece
Little do you know
I need a little more time
Underneath it all  I'm held captive by the hole inside
I've been holding back
For the fear that you might change your mind
I'm ready to forgive you but forgetting is a harder fight
Little do you know
I need a little more time

I wrote down some of the lyrics that I found that would work I was about to put my book back when a knock on my door stopped me. " Come in." I told the person who was at my door " Hey, what are you doing?" It was G " I was just writing some song lyrics down for the  talent show coming up." I told him he nodded " Can I see?" He asked " Yeah, sure." I gave him my note book, " It's good, I like it. Would you care if maybe I could write with you?" He asked " Yeah, I would love that." I smiled at him and gave him a hug " Come on let's finish it." He smiled I giggled and nodded.

It was about two hours later and we got the song finished " Can't wait to show the song to the show." I told Jack he nodded " Yeah." He left and went back downstairs I climbed into my comfy bed and fell asleep.

Justin's POV.

How could she not tell me? All the time we had spent with each other. She told me not to fall in love with her but I'm pretty sure I just dug myself into a deep deep hole. I can't leave her, not now not never. She changed me and I'm not going back to being a player. I couldn't just sit at home in bed any longer I needed to see her and tell her. I jumped off out of bed and ran downstairs good thing my mother wasn't home or my father or I'm sure I would be in deep shit if they got home and I wasn't in bed.
It was like a ten minute drive to her house, before I got out of the car I saw a light on in the living room and saw the guys from earlier in the room playing games and stuff I had to be quite I know it slate but I need to make things right. I saw a tree that went to her room I climbed up the tree and to make sure not to die. I knocked on the window a couple of times still no answer I knocked a little louder and finally a light came on and she opened the window " Justin what are you doing here?" She whispered/yelled
"I had to come see you and talk to you." I told her she sighed and let me in " Why did you come over now?" She asked " Because things need to right between us." I told her she nodded I got into her room. " Okay, talk." She said " Okay. . . I uh you know I used to be a player you know fuck and dump," she scrunched up her nose " Yeah, I remember." She said " Well when I met you I thought everything would be fine you know, I would finish working with you and go back to my life, well that didn't happen and you told me not to fall in love with you but I did." I told her " Wait what you don't love me maybe like but-" before she could finish what she was saying I cut her off " No , Selena I like you like really, really like you to the point that I want to be with you!" I whispered/ yelled " Maybe you're just to scared that someone might actually want to be with you." I told her " And why would that scare me?" She said " Because you want to be with me to."

Before she could say anything I moved closer to her and kissed her. " You are the only one I want in my life, forever and always Sel. You changed me for the better." I told her I felt something wet on my shirt.
" Hey, babe don't cry." I told her wiping her tears,
" You are everything to me." I hugged her tight,
" You make me so happy Justin." That made my heart flutter, " This might be to early but I love you Selena, I really do." I hugged her tighter " I love you to." She said I could feel her smile when she hugged me tighter " I should probably get going," I told her I didn't want to leave but I had to because of my parents. " Please just stay for a little while." She begged " Okay." I smiled down at her she went to her bed and got under the covers and I took off my shoes and joined her under the covers and held her tight.
" So what does this mean for us?" She asked " I think this means you are my girlfriend?" I told her "Girlfriend." She said I nodded " I would love to be your girlfriend Justin." She grinned I gave her a kiss and then said " Good, because I wouldn't leave without you being mine, baby." I grinned at her she blushed.

" Good night, Jay."
" Good night, Sel."

And I closed my eyes.

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