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Selena's POV.

" Are we there yet?" I asked him, " Soon." He smiled looking back at me " Can you tell me?" I asked him
" Uh. . . let me think about it, nope." He said " Ugh."
He rolled his eyes playfully " I don't like surprises!"I said whining " Well, to bad baby." He grinned
It was like five minutes later and I saw a restaurant
" Okay stay here." He told me a second later he came and opened the door for me " Okay miss Gomez." He held out his hand and I took it " Why thank you Mr. Bieber." I smiled at him  we started walking up to the
front he opened the door for me " Thank you." I smiled at him, " You are welcome." He smiled back at me.
" Hi do you have a reservation?" The guy at the front looked at me and I guess Justin noticed because he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest.
" Follow me to your table." The guy said and seated us at a booth " My name is Austin and if you need anything and I mean anything just call me." He winked at me " I don't think that is necessary thanks." Justin growled at him. He brought me closer to him. " Hi I'm Stacy your waitress for today," she eyed Justin and bit her lip I blinked a couple of times so I wouldn't roll my eyes and I guess Justin didn't notice because he was busy looking at his  menu. " Can I get you anything?" She asked " Um yes  Can -" I said before she rudely Cut me off " I wasn't talking to you." She looked me up and down then rolled her eyes. " excuse me but don't talk about my date like that." Justin snapped at her . She just looked around " I will have the chicken Alfredo and a water ." Justin said " I will always have the same thing." I told her she nodded her head and walked away.

" You look really beautiful." He told me once again and my cheeks heated again, " Thank you." I smiled at him " So tell me more about yourself." He asked me " Well like what?" I asked him " Um family, friends anything?" He asked " Well my father and brother aren't really well in my life as much as my mother, like they don't care for my feelings." I looked down at my hands in my lap, " Well I care about your feelings, you have me and well your brothers?" He asked at the end kinda confused " So who are those guys?" He asked " Well they are basically my brothers and best friends they care more about me than my actual brother and actually put in effort to hang out with me." I told him "Wow." He said I nodded my head " Here are your waters." Stacy said I glared at her ," well your food should be out soon." She said and left, " So what about you?" I asked him " What you wanna know." He said " Tell me why the bad boy of the school is hanging out with me and more importantly on a date with me right now." I asked him and looked at him, he smiled before he answered " Well at first I really never saw myself begin friends with you to be honest," he said taking a pause before he spoke again " when I got in trouble because of what Cameron did and I didn't do it, the principal told me I had to become better and I had to work with you, and I first I was like oh man working with the sister of the guy I hate but then we talked and got to know each other and I'm happy we did because I really like you. You make me want to be better than what I used to be." He said looking into my eyes.

" Thank - " before I could finish my sentence the waitress came back with the food " Oh well we only had one chicken Alfredo left sorry." She walked away and rolled her eyes again at me. " Here you can have mine." He gave me his food " No , I can't." I told him " No you will have some food, how about we share, yeah?" I nodded and smiled. " So do you like know that girl?" I asked him " Uh to be honest I'm not sure and you know I used to hang out with a lot of girls." He rubbed the back of his neck, I nodded.
It was twenty minutes later and we were walking out hand in hand talking. I was getting really nervous now because I was thinking about telling him my secret but then I didn't want to ruin the date , but lying is wrong and ugh. " Hey, you okay?" He asked me looking at me " Uh, yeah. Yeah I'm fine." I told him " Okay." He nodded his head probably confused.
I decided to tell him.

"Look Justin," I said we stopped walking and he turned to look over at me. "I'm sick." I told him,
"Okay, I'll take you home and you will be bet-" before he could finish I cut him off " No , Justin I'm sick." He looked at me still confused but with concern in his eyes, " I have cancer." I said with my eyes watery, " No, no you're 18. You're perfect."
" No , I found out a year ago and I stopped using  treatments. " I told him , he looked at me " So why didn't you tell me?" He asked me " The doctor said I should just live life as best as I could. I don't want anyone to be wired around me." I told him "including me?" " especially you." He looked around
" You know I. I was getting along with everything fine. I accepted it, and then you happened." I said with tears coming down my cheeks, I walked away from him and called Harper to come get me.

" Hey, Sel is everything alright?"
" No." I said crying harder
" What's wrong."
"Can you just come and get me, please."
" Yeah, be there soon."
" Thank you."

I ended the call and cried and cried. I knew I shouldn't have fallen in love with him. And he shouldn't have fallen in love with me.

Hey loves, I was about to cry writing this chapter and I had to watch the video clip of Landon and Jamie talking about it and it's so sad 😔 hope you like it and please comment and vote.

I found this video and it's so beautiful and amazing.

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