Two Sides, Same Coin Part 1

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Hey guys! I know these are getting released way too fast for anyone to read them, but I just loving writing and I wanna get everything that I can down before I get punched in the face with the horrible thing that is writer's block. So that's why these are all coming out way too fast. But, at least I'm not publishing once a year so... Yeah. 

Also, when I'm reading things like this, I notice weird little slip ups. If you see one, comment and I'll have it fixed. Also, if I put 3 dots after something, I always have the next word start with a capital, regardless of how the text is supposed to sound. Also, I'm gonna start adding locations with the POV's unless they don't move to a new place. Just so you know where they are. So, sorry for keeping you. Enjoy!

3rd Person POV - Forest Behind Beacon

It was a peaceful night. The Grimm were all calmly walking around, no disturbances. Y/N was out watching the bustling city from a large tree, admiring how simple everything looked from here. He thought back on the recent events these past few days. Stopping Roman, going into Beacon, meeting the girls, getting a job and saving that lady from that elevator.

Y/N: Wow... Never thought I would have so much stress in such a short amount of time. Especially the elevator thing.

Suddenly, Y/N saw a shooting star. He quickly made a wish, a wish for help in handling the stresses of a Huntsman and hero all at once. Then, all at once, the shooting star turned and crashed into the ground only a few yards from Y/N.

He shoots up and rushes to the crash to see if it hit any of the Grimm. After he was sure no Grimm were harmed, he examined the space rock.

Y/N: This comet looks kinda weird, like something I've never seen before.

Y/N went to touch it as he couldn't sense anything wrong with it. Suddenly, it cracked and some sort of ooze flowed out of the comet and onto Y/N's shoes.

Y/N: That's gross. What is this stuff? I've never heard of comets holding liquids in them like a capsule.

Then, the ooze started to move on it's own, without Y/N noticing. It climbed onto him and blended in with his clothing to disguise itself. When Y/N went to wash it off, he noticed it was gone and he figured it must have come off during the walk. In reality, it was stowing away, waiting for the moment to unveil itself.

Timeskip Morning - Beacon

Ruby's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring. Turning it off, I groggily got out of bed with everyone else and got ready for school. Of course, in my sleepy state, I didn't notice that the window was open or that Y/N's uniform was missing. So when I walked into the bathroom to see Y/N pulling off his shirt, I was confused. Then it hit me, like a train. Y/N was living with us and was getting changed but forgot to lock the door.

Once everything registered, I slammed the door shut. The others looked at me questioningly before they realized that it was Y/N in the bathroom, undressed. Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Y/N in his school uniform. Without a word, he grabbed his bag and left for class.

Weiss: What just happened?

Blake: I think we caught Y/N at a bad time...

Yang: Don't worry guys, he probably had a long night or something. Maybe his interview didn't go so well.

Ruby: Yeah, we should get ready to go too. We can't be late for class again.

After that brief conversation, we all got dressed in our uniforms and headed to Professor Oobleck's class.

Timeskip - Oobleck's Class


I walked into Professor Oobleck's class very early as I didn't eat anything. When I walked in, he looked at me questioningly. I went to sit down, trying to think about the comet from last night, but before I could think of anything, I passed out and hit the floor.

When I came to, I was in the nurses office on a bed. I sat up, still light headed, and looked around the room I was in before my eyes landed on something... Familiar. I decided to shake it off and rest my back against the frame of the bed. 

A few minutes later, someone walked into the room. They looked at me and smiled, asking if I was feeling alright. I immediately knew this was the nurse. I had seen her once before on my way to see Ozpin on my first day. 

Y/N: I'm ok. Just lightheaded is all.

Nurse: Ok, but if you need anything, just let me know. I'll be here all day.

I smiled and nodded my head before settling back into the bed. I started to think about why I was here, when I remembered passing out. That's when I saw that thing that looked familiar, in a different place. Then, it moved. And it moved again, coming slowly closer to me. 

This was freaking me out quite a bit. But then, the nurse stood up and walked towards me, holding a thermometer and a clip board. I calmed down as she sat next to me and the thing disappeared. When the nurse put her hand on my forehead, I felt safe, at ease. 

Nurse: You seem to have quite the fever. Could you open your mouth and put the thermometer in there?

I did as she asked and it read that my temperature was 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit for you 'Mericans) which was pretty bad. She gave me some medicine and told me to sleep as much as I could. This was no problem, as I hadn't got much sleep at all last night because of the comet. As I drifted off, I thought I saw something move in the shadows, before I fell asleep.


I woke up, still in the nurses office, with the nurse still there, in her chair typing away at something. I moved around, sitting up and being just loud enough for her to hear. She looked over at me and smiled, looking relieved that colour had returned to my face.

Nurse: Hey Y/N. how are you feeling?

Y/N: Better. Thanks for staying, I... Saw something weird last night and it's freaking me out.

She looked worried as I said that. She quickly walked over and sat next to me, looking at me with a slightly worried expression.

Nurse: What did you see?

Y/N: A comet struck right around where I live in the woods. When I checked it out, some weird black ooze seeped out and got on me. But when I went to clean it, it was gone. And then earlier in here, I thought I saw it again, moving towards me across the floor, right before you came and took my temperature.

Nurse: I'm sure it was nothing. Just remember, you're safe here. Like you said, I haven't left all day. So your not alone, I would keep you safe while you slept.

Y/N: Thanks. So, when do you think I'll be out?

Nurse: I thought you'd be out in a few days with your fever, but you seem to have recovered much quicker than normal.

Y/N: I'm just weird like that. I've always been quick to get back on my feet.

Nurse: Well, if you just sign this form, I can let you go.

Y/N: Alright. Also, did anyone stop by at all?

Nurse: Yes, some girls stopped by after class. Team RWBY I believe.

Y/N: Alright, thanks again for watching over me!

Nurse: No Problem.

She gave me a smile and small wave before I left. 

3rd Person POV

Unknown to Y/N, the black ooze had covered almost all of his body. But it was still waiting for the best opportunity

To be continued


Hey guys! So this one was mostly just the build up for the reveal of black spidey. This whole thing will have three parts; This one, The next where Weiss's father and sister come, and the the final one with spidey vs venom. I'd tell you to look forward to that, but I know it'll probably be done when you read this. Signing off!


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