Doc Ock

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A/N: Hey guys! So sorry for the long wait! Writer's block sucks.

Yami: Also, A/N got really sidetracked playing Undertale and Subnautica.

A/N: Can you blame me? They're awesome games!

Yami: Anyways! Now that you're reading this, it should come as no surprise that this is the chapter that will introduce Doctor Octopus!

A/N: That's right! And after him will come one more villain and then an end to this story!

Yami: Don't worry though! Eventually, there will be a sequel... if you guys want one that is.

A/N: Anyways, I've kept you long enough! Enjoy!


After what happened at the demonstration, I decided to swing around Vale. I had nothing else to do. The city was dead silent tonight. No crime, no one in need of rescue, nothing. Eventually, after about an hour of swinging and clearing my mind, my spider sense went off. I looked below me to see team RWBY running around yelling.

Blake's POV

Ruby: Y/N! Where are you!?

Yang: Y/N!

We've been going through Vale looking for Y/N for a while now. He didn't show up when he said he would, and then we saw the news about the demonstration he was at. We were trying to find him and make sure he was ok. After a while of walking, I heard something behind us. We all turned around and saw Y/N on the wall in his red suit.

Ruby: Spider-Man?

Y/N didn't respond. He just sat there looking down.

Yang: Uhh... Spider-Man? 

Y/N looked up a bit before turning his attention to us.

Y/N: Sorry, do you need something?

Ruby: We're looking for our friend! His name's Y/N! 

Y/N: Y/N? The kid who takes pictures of me for the VNN?

Weiss: You two know each other!?

Y/N: No, his name's just in the papers is all. Anyways, if you need help, I've got nothing else to do.

Blake: Please make sure he's ok...

Y/N: Will do.

Y/N leapt off the wall and swung off, probably to change and come back. We all looked to where he swung off.

Yang: He seemed kinda... off...

Ruby: Yeah, like he was sad or something

Blake: I'm sure it's nothing.


That was risky, but I guess it confirms my theory. So long as I don't make myself familiar with them as Spider-Man, they shouldn't be able to find out. I found an alleyway a few blocks away from where they were and changed back into my normal outfit that I had on for the demonstration. It was a simple grey shirt with jeans and a button up F/C sweater over top. I waited a few minutes before going back to them as to not draw suspicion. When I found them, I rounded the corner and called out.

Y/N: Sup?

Blake was the first to turn around as the others followed. They all quickly ran up and hugged me out of nowhere. Blake was expected for the most part, but the other three, especially Weiss, caught me off guard.

Ruby: Where were you!?

Weiss: We heard about what happened!

Yang: Are you hurt!?

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