A Hero Falls

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A/N: Hey guys! So we're finally here. The end of the story. It's taken me way too long to get here.

Yami: I'll say.

A/N: But hey, after this, only a bonus dance chapter and a teaser for the sequel! Until then, we'll pick up from where we left off.

Yami: Hey, you also let Penny off without dismembering her.

A/N: Yeah, thought I'd get some love for keeping Penny alive. Course, who's to say she'll stay not dead?

Yami: That'd be a real mean move. Keeping her alive and getting hopes up, only to crush them.

A/N: Yeah, but maybe I will. Maybe I won't. Enjoy!

3rd Person POV

As the Griffon broke the barrier on the stadium, Venom leaped at the large Grimm as he used his tendrils to plant himself in the beast. Rather than killing it though, he used the symbiote to take control of it. The symbiote spread itself across the Griffon, changing its colour to purple with its same white armor. However, the eyes changed to ones more similar to Venom and it now had a long tongue with razor-sharp teeth. Venom rode the Griffon towards team RWBY where they all noticed the strange Grimm.

Weiss: What Grimm is that!?

Yang: Let's not wait to find out!

The Grimm landed and roared before Venom got off it, the Grimm sitting obediently as it waited for commands. The girls saw Venom get off the Grimm as he walked towards them. His size shrank down as the girls ran over to him.

Ruby: Hey! Uh... Spider-Man!

Y/N: Hey girls. You ok?

Yang: We're fine! But we need to help fight off the Grimm so everyone else can get away!

Y/N: Shouldn't be a problem. After all, we have the whole military on our side.

Suddenly, a Paladin landed in front of them. It activated and Y/N's spider-sense went off.

Y/N: Uh oh.

The paladin's eyes glowed red as it activated before it began to opened fire on the group. Y/N flipped out of the way while the girls ran in different directions. Y/N ran at the Paladin, climbing on top of it. He began to try and pull the hatch open, only for the Paladin to smack him off. Y/N landed and slid back a bit before he shot webs at the feet of the giant robot. He then bulked up, using Venom to try and pry the hatch open. As he did, the Paladin's hatch ripped open, revealing no pilot. Y/N then got off the robot as it collapsed.

Y/N: We need to move! Now!

Yang: Don't have to tell me twice!

The group then began running. on their way, they ran into a few more teams like JNPR and CFVY. They found General Ironwood at the docks as he finished skillfully killing a Beowolf.

Ruby: What's going on!?

Ironwood: Grimm are crawling all over this city, the White Fang has invaded Beacon and to make matters worse, some... vagabond has seized one of my ships. Until we regain command, the skies are out of our control. So I'm-

The General stopped as he shot a Beowolf in the head that was behind us.

Ironwood: Going to take it back.

We all stood silently as Ironwood went up to his ship before Jaune spoke up.

Jaune: What should we do?

Ironwood stopped walking and turned to face us before speaking up.

Ironwood: You have two choices. Defend your kingdom and your school, or save yourselves. No one will fault you if you leave. Let's move out!

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