Two Sides, Same Coin Part 3 (Venom Arc Finale)

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Hey guys! It's finally here! The final piece of the Venom arc! Don't worry, this isn't the end of the story as a whole. Just the end of black spidey. I'll be taking a long break from this story once this chapter is published (as in a week or so) and work on other stories that I want to make. Check those out when they come around. Enjoy!


From what I could understand talking to Dr. Oobleck, I have a limited time before this things permanently bonds with me. Then I'll just turn into a monster. I have to find a way to get rid of this, but how? This stuff has no weaknesses as far as I know. 

Suddenly, as I was swinging by the clock tower, the bell rang. The intense sound was enough to hurt my ears but it also made the symbiote freak out. 

Y/N: I get it! You're weak to sounds or vibrations! If I can get up to the bell, I can get rid of you!

Venom: We won't let you destroy us! We will be one soon enough! We. Are. VENOM!

I quickly got up to the bell and began hitting it with my body. It hurt really bad, but it was working. I could feel Venom letting up, and once he let go, I tore it off and webbed it up with my spare web shooters. I took it with me and threw it onto the newest Atlas Military Rocket, sending it to space. 

Y/N: Hopefully that rocket dies when it leaves the atmosphere like the others. Even if it doesn't, the cold of space without that capsule and a roar of the engines from the jet would kill it. Right?

I shook off the feeling of it returning, focusing on the important thing. I was free of that monster, and I could go back to Beacon and explain that something was wrong with me... Hopefully when I get back they don't arrest me.

Y/N: I could fake amnesia, that might work. If they find me unconscious, I'll be able to play it off like I have no idea what they're talking about.

I decided to head back home and put on my suit and go for a refreshing midnight swing. 

Timeskip - Beacon 

Blake's POV

Something was wrong. Everyone saw what happened with Y/N and Weiss's dad and everyone heard his demonic voice. Like two voices talking just barely out of sync with each other. Since then, Y/N hasn't been seen and Professor Oobleck was freaking out about this monster goo he was given. He explained how he was given the goo by a masked man who hung upside down and was wearing the creature as a suit.

When he described the man who gave it to him, I thought it could be Spider-Man, but the way he described the nature of the creature made my heart stop for a moment. A symbiote, a body who finds a host and bonds with them to survive. The bond could give a person enhanced strength or senses. It also had the side affect of making the host extremely quick to aggression. 

All of these factors matched up with Y/N. The way he changed during the fight with Cardin and when he confronted Weiss's father. That was what happened to him, he bonded with this symbiote and it messed with his mind.

As Professor Oobleck held up the container with the creature, we saw it moving around, trying to get out. Suddenly, a web shot the container and pulled it away. We all looked up to see... Spider-Man?!

Spider-Man: Thanks doc! Told ya I'd stop by! I'll be taking this little guy to a place where I can blow him to kingdom come! A sonic vibration with a big pile of fire dust should do the trick!

Oobleck: You're going to destroy it?! No! You can't! We need to research it further!

Spider-Man: Trust me, That's a horrible idea. I wore the thing and it turned me into a monster. So I sent it to space with that new Atlas Rocket. If memory serves me right, it should be stranded out there in the dark black abyss with that lifeless rocket. I can't have a straggler.

Then he left through the window and a few minutes later, the area a little ways away from the courtyard blew up. 


Y/N: Ahhhh. It feels good to be free.


Hey! Thanks for reading this story so far! I'm really enjoying writing this whole thing in less than 12 hours so far! So I won't be coming back to this story until Thursday or Friday, so remember to tell me who should be paired up because it'll start happening after the next chapter. The next chapter is going to be mostly Y/N coming back into everything, Beacon, friendships, and maybe more team CFVY and JNPR because they aren't really here right now. Oh well! I'll think of some excuse for why they were gone. Signing off!


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