Two Sides, Same Coin Part 2

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Hey guys! I know right? Not bad so far, but I need to clear some things up that might be a problem. There has been little Spider-Man in these chapters but wait! Once I'm done with the Venom arc, there will be more of the friendly neighborhood web slinger. I promise. Also, This story will not follow exactly what happened in RWBY. This means certain characters may progress differently. Anyways, have fun with Part 2 of the Venom arc. Enjoy!


I was just about to knock on team RWBY's door, when I heard a hiss. Silent, but there. I shrugged it off as I gave the door three good knocks to bring them out of their conversation that I could kind of hear through the door.

When Ruby answered the door, she looked at me slightly shocked before giving me a big smile and letting me into the dorm.

Ruby: How are you feeling?

Y/N: Better, but there's a hissing like noise in my head. Probably from the fall. I'll be back to normal in no time. I was always fast to heal, it was part of my childhood in the forest. If you can't recover, you die.

Blake: The nurse said you'd be out for another two days. 

Yang: Yeah, she said you had a monster fever.

Y/N: I'll live. It left just as soon as it came. 

Weiss: So why are you here? Shouldn't you be resting?

Y/N: I was about to head home, but I thought I'd let you all know I'm all good now.

Ruby: Well, see ya tomorrow... Maybe. Are you gonna be back tomorrow?

Y/N: Yeah, I've still gotta go to classes. See ya!

I left and walked out of Beacon through the courtyard into the woods. When I got back home, I laid down with a big Grimm and fell asleep.

Timeskip - Vale

I woke up and looked at the window in front of me. This was confusing to say the least. I was upside down, in the middle of Vale, in a costume I've never seen before. It was strange, but I felt more powerful than usual. I decided to swing around and think about what was going on. But, when I let go of the web and shot a new one, it came out on its own. What's more, I almost overshot the building I swung to.

Y/N: This is new. I couldn't do that before. And my webbing's coming out without the shooters.

After swinging around for a bit, I spotted some White Fang members breaking into a dust shop. I Shot some web and swung onto a nearby wall.

Y/N: Guess it's time to see what you can do.

I drop down and the White Fang doesn't notice me.

Y/N: Hate to crash the party, but I don't think that belongs to you!

White Fang Member: The Spider-Man? 

WF: I thought he wore red and blue.

Y/N: New costume. It's still Spider-Man!

WF: Kill him!

The first White Fang grunt rushed at me with his swords which I easily dogged. I then grabbed him and threw him at 3 more grunts knocking them all out.

Y/N: Wow, it's like all my powers have been doubled by this suit! And it feels awesome!

The rest of the White Fang started shooting at me but I dogged with ease and webbed them all up. I then smashed them into the sidewalk and left them there, tied up with a note from yours truly. The man that ran the store thanked me and called the cops to deal with them. Then I swung away and headed back to Beacon. I must have been up all night but I felt refreshed and ready to roll! As the sun started to rise, I went to get out of the black costume, but it turned into my school uniform.

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