Set up!

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~ Marshall's POV ~

3 weeks later

"And you really think that'll work, man?" I sighed out frustrated and let my head fall into my hands.
Currently I was sitting at my desk in my office at the Label and had listened to Royce plan how to set up Tina. Honestly I thought I wouldn't have to go through with this stupidity but I hadn't heard a single word from her in 3 fuckin' weeks. I'd hoped that she would really come back to me and gave me one damn last chance, but I guess that showing her how I really was or could get, scared her off. Meanwhile I'd had 2 shows in Austin 2 weekends in a row and it was complete shit to not have her with me. How I'd wished that she at least showed up and I could hug and kiss her when I walked exhausted off the stage, I can't's indescribable how much my mood and well being depends on her and therefore I'd decided to go through with Royce's and Denaun's plan.

Hopefully she won't be mad at me....

"It'll work but I can promise you that she'll be pissed as hell. So at least during the flight give her space to calm down, aight?!" Royce said and I nodded.
"Tell me again how it should go..." I said with zero elan and Nickle stopped pacing, sat down on a chair across me and started again.
"Aight, one more time. I'll call her tonight and convince her to fly with me to LA. You'll already wait in the jet at 8.30 am tomorrow morning, than we'll make a stop in Houston to fuel up and I'll say I'll go and buy a magazine or some shit, the jet door will be closed again, the stewardess hands her a note from me and you two will fly off to the Maldives to have a relaxing week. Got it now?" I rolled my eyes and nodded. "It'll work, man! The villa is booked and all you gotta do is not pressurin' her and make her happy.....simple as that!" I raised my eyebrows at his last sentence.
"Simple as that, huh?! Man, she hasn't talked to me in 3 fuckin' weeks and the fuck you mean wit not pressuring her?" Royce chuckled and propped his elbows up on my desk.
"It is simple as that and what I mean with the pressure part? You really askin' me that?? Look you know she's my best, but I ain't blind. The woman is extra hot and you, my unfucked friend, haven't nailed a chick since you broke up with her. So if she's walking around in a little bikini, control your dick and don't pressure her to have sex with you!" Unwillingly I smirked from his statement and he laughed out. "Fo'real man, hold back in that department, wait till she's makin' the first move. You know when she's ready so......wait!" He advised me again and I nodded, placed my hands in my lap and rearranged my almost hard dick under the table. Only thinking of her that way, how sexy she was moving under me, how turned on I became from her moans, how fuckin' heavenly it was to stick my dick in her wet pussy and feel her skin on mine....

FUCK......... I need to have sex with her so fuckin' bad......

"Aight...." Royce snapped me out off my daydream by clapping his hands once and stood up. "You'll leave then right?" I nodded and he turned to walk out of my office. "See ya tomorrow, don't be late, GOAT!" I laughed out once and yelled a "see ya!"

The second I arrived at my lifeless house, I went upstairs in my closet and packed my stuff for the vacation with Tina. I'd already called my daughters to let them know that I wouldn't be here for my birthday and as bummed as they were about the fact that they couldn't celebrate with me, as equally happy they were to hear that I'd go on vacation with Tina. Since the day after I'd left Tina in front of the altar my girls wanted me to beg Tina to come back, they loved her unspeakably much. For sure I wanted Tina back because she was my all but the fact that my girls loved her, made me put some extra effort into it.

I hardly slept the whole night and was turning from side to side in my bed like a hamster in his wheel. I missed her here with me and the fact that I couldn't get a good sleep without her was nothing new, but what added to my hamster behavior was that I was unsure how she'd react today. I hoped and prayed that she'd give me the chance to make her happy and wouldn't show me the cold shoulder.
I'd stood up at 6.30 am and after my usual morning routine; shower, shaving, teeth brushing, I pulled on my clothes, grabbed my bags and carried them downstairs to let them fall down beside the front door. After a small breakfast, which I almost had to shove down my throat

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