Teaming up.... (pt.1)

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~ Marshall's POV ~

I'll never forget the moment when Porter came back from his lunch break, had pulled me out of the lounge area into the hallway and told me that he had seen Tina, MY TINA, with Sean. Honestly, I thought I'd lose my fuckin' mind. Almost the same anger I'd felt when I'd seen Kim kissing the bouncer and I pistol whipped him for it, only this time it was way worse. I loved Tina with all my heart, she was, is and will always be mine; as possessive as it sounds, but it's the fuckin' truth. NOBODY has the right to touch her ever again.
My mind was raising in superspeed from beating his ass into oblivion, writing the worst diss I've ever put on paper and releasing it, to cutting him open like a fuckin' envelope. Everything ran through it and then to release some of the rage I grabbed the next thing beside me; a chair, and threw it with all my strength down the hallway. It crashed into another row of chairs and the loud shattering got the attention of the others.
"Man, chill." Denaun tried but I was pretty far from calming down. Instead I grabbed the next thing; a small table matching the chair, and crashed him into the wall across me.
"Yoooo, Em......the fucks goin' on?" Royce asked me shocked when he saw my outburst and instantly Denaun pulled him aside and told him quietly what had happened. "You fuckin' kidding me?" Royce yelled out and seeing someone being pissed about it also, actually calmed me a little.
"The motherfucker is so gonna get it when he walks in here!" I warned Royce and he shook his head while pulling his phone out of his pants pocket.
"Fuckin' voicemail..." he muttered when he had dialed; what I assumed Tina's number and left her a message. "Are you outta your mind T. The fucks wrong wit ya head?! Sean? For real? Call me!" He hung up and looked at me.
"She doesn't pick up, try to call her."

And that's what we did for the next 40 minutes and then Mira walked into the lounge area to inform me that Sean had called and that he wouldn't come back in today.
"The bastard don't even has the balls to come back! Pussy!" Royce huffed out and I finished my message for Tina and hit the sent button.
"That won't save him!" I stated and Royce looked at me.
"Yo, you not gonna beat the fucker!" He ordered and I looked at him confused.
"Something's wrong wit ya head? You think I'll let him get away with this? Fuck no! Nobody's hittin' on her, Tina belongs to me an we both know that. And don't forget you've also beaten my ass for leaving her..." I reminded him and he chuckled.
"How could I forget that?! But listen we've to make a plan. We both know Tina will flip on our asses if we'll whoop his ass so we gotta find somethin' else." That actually surprised me.
"I never thought you'd help me." I admitted and he patted my shoulder and sighed.
"Sure I help ya. You're my homie and he's just a lil dumbass who tries to disturb our family peace. By now even I know that you and her belong together, so let's find a way to get the fucker to back off." I smirked at him and honestly, knowing that her best friend was on my side helped me to relax even more.

We'd sat in my office for a while and even Denaun came in, sat down and helped our 'brainstorming', saying that we can't let him take her away from us.

Man, you was never more right.....

Royce cell started ringing and after he'd pulled it out of his pants pocket and squinted his eyes, he turned it to show us the caller ID ' My best'


Royce answered the call and before he talked to her he put it on speaker.
"Are you pissed?" Tina asked him without beating around the bush and he huffed out.
"I ain't pissed T. I think you're a mental case!" He shot back and I shook my head at him, grabbed my notepad and scribbled down what he should do.


"Well if I am then thanks to Marshall." She stated and I felt a stinging pain in my chest from her words. I hated myself for making her feel this way or at least thinking that I was driving her insane and not in a good way.
"Stop that shit and better tell me what the hell got you to go out with Sean?" Royce asked and I pointed on the paper repeatedly to get him to ask her and he raised his index finger motioning that I should wait a minute.
"I met him yesterday at the airport when I came back and he asked me out."
"That would've never happened if you hadn't ran away from the damn festival. What the fuck happened there that you decided to leave Marshall aside for good, huh?" He argued back and when he asked her why she'd left me now for good, my heart got heavy. I really thought we would make a new start. Fuck, I was doing so much better. The panic attacks were almost gone and so was the feeling that I wasn't good enough for her and now she'd decided to cut everything off.
"Marshall lied to me again." She stated quietly and Royce raised his head and looked questioning at me while I shook my head frantically.
"And with what did he lie to you?" Royce asked her softer and I heard her taking a deep breath before she answered.
"I asked him if he ever had something with the Sasha bitch and he swore to me he hadn't and then I walk into the restroom and hear her saying that she had sex with him." Royce raised both his eyebrows, stared at me and I shook my head and scribbled on my notebook.


I showed him the note and he nodded.
"T. and you believe that? Listen we all know that he had a few porn chicks...." I balled the paper in my hand and threw it at his head. "But even I know that he never nailed her."

Is he talking to her like that all the time???

"Then why did she say it, hm? She didn't even know I was there, there was no need for her to piss me off Royce." Tina argued back and I shrugged.
"You sure she was talkin' about him, I mean it could've been 'bout someone else." He tried to find a lupo and I prayed that it would help to change her mind.
"Honestly I only heard fragments of her conversation, but I'm pretty sure she was talking about him." She admitted and I smirked. Sasha could've talked about everyone or meant something else.
"Hold up, Sherlock and because of a few fuckin' fragments you fuckin' jump to conclusions and decide to throw everything away? T. you know I love you, but that's a shitty move!" Royce scolded her and while she was silent, I again scribbled on the notepad.


"Royce it's always the same with him, you know. A never ending circle of him lying and cheating, I forgive him and we're back to square one. I love him so damn much and you know it, honestly I think you know it better than he does but one of us has to break out of this hamster wheel. And to me it looks like he'll never change." My office had went completely quiet, the only sound was Tina's hardly audible sobbing. All 3 of us were stunned by her words and while the other 2 looked at me compassionately, I felt like crying.

That's it! I've lost her......

"T. c'mon, don't talk like that! You know I want my happy-fucking-ending and that's Tina and Marshall and not Tina and who gives a fuck...." Royce words actually made her chuckle a bit and he went on. "My best, I know what you've gone through with him but is it really worth to throw everything away and move on when you've fought so much?" Again she was quiet and then she sobbed suddenly and I clutched my hand on my face.
"It was easy for him to throw me away..." she let out and her with pain filled voice brought tears to my eyes. Before Royce could reply anything she ended the call and now my office was completely and deadly silent.

"Say it!" I ordered Royce when I'd wiped the tears off my face and he shook his head.
"She still loves you, man. You haven't lost her completely yet." I huffed out in frustration and the anger was back, but this time from the sadness that clamped on my heart.
"Yeah....yet...." I breathed out and stood up "I'm goin' home..." I went on and was about to open the door, when Denaun grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me back down on the chair.
"Stop that shit! You'll stay here wit yo ass till we found a way to get Sean off her and you back in the picture. You know I ain't gonna get involved in your shit, but I don't wanna see you nor her bein' unhappy and that's exactly what'll happen. So set your brain on wining her back, got it?" I actually was surprised from his little speech and Royce started clapping.
"Great speech, let's get to work."

While the other 2 were throwing ideas around like kidnap her and take her on a trip to a lonely island or drown her in rose petals, I scribbled down words on my notepad.

Damn I fuckin' miss her....

"What ya doin'?" Royce asked and looked over my shoulder on my notepad. "Really? That's it? No better idea? Just a few rhymes?" I only shrugged and let my head fall into my hands. "We had an idea by the way..." he went on and instantly I raised my head and looked at him and then Denaun.
"We'll help you to set her up so you can go on a trip with her." Porter announced and I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at them in disbelief.
"And you two think that'll work?!"
"If I'm the one who sells it to her, then yes!" Royce answered and I shook my head.
"Thanks man, but....." I took a deep breath so I could continue without crying. "she needs a friend and I don't want her to be mad at you."
Denaun widened his eyes and Royce patted my shoulder with a chuckle.
"Looks like T's selflessness brushed off, huh? That's exactly what she needs to see, man." He encouraged me and I huffed out.

They'll rip out my last nerve.....but fuck I'm glad they help me....

"And where should I take her to?" I asked them and honestly thought they forgot to search for a place but I was damn wrong when Royce showed me his cellphone.
"Maldives!" He stated and I looked at the screen while I had to contain a smile. I knew exactly how she looked in a tiny bikini and only the thought of being there with her made me happy.
"And how you gonna sell her to fly to the Maldives?" I asked Royce and he shrugged.
"Leave that to me, dawg! You'll have 1 fuckin week to get her back, to convince her that you're the one for her, don't ya screw it up, man!"

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