Nice to meet you

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Chapter 4. Nice to meet you.

Hoseok didn't realize when he finally fainted, but after some time he opened his eyes. At first, he felt dizzy and with no idea of where he was until the events of that night popped in his head and a shiver run down his spine. Hoseok couldn't tell how much time he had been struggling on that couch, waking up to a dark room illuminated only by a small lamp from a corner. He was alone and in front of him, on the table, was placed a glass of water which he picked up, but didn't drink. Instead, he stood up and listened carefully searching for any noise that could alert him. Hoseok didn't hear anything at all so he started walking slowly to the door. Locked. Fuck.

He looked around nervously and then remembered the key slipping in one of the other guy's pocket.

"Now what..." He mumbled to himself, turning to the room and searching for a window.

"Now you wait. Two more hours" a voice talked behind him causing Hoseok to jump like a scared cat, but he spotted the boy  looking at his phone, leaning on a now opened door. Then, he entered and locked it again, raising his eyes to meet Hoseok's. "Hungry?"

"What?" Hoseok was confused. That green haired guy was so relaxed and natural like that was the most casual situation you face on your daily basis.

"I don't have much food but there's still some pizza from earlier and maybe a couple of beers in the fridge" he pointed back at the small kitchen Hoseok could spot from where he was. Somehow, the fear from a moment ago turned into confusion mixed with a little anger. He was there, kidnapped, but that guy was all cool with it.

"Now you're being friendly?" he protested.

"Yeah, I know. They say I'm threatening, that I'm reckless and I did this and that, like killing cops" he rolled his eyes and smirked. "You believe what you want, I don't care about it anymore"

"You say you're innocent?"

"Not at all. I did rob those banks, and I did pay those cops to let me escape, and..." he tilted his head carefully thinking about what he should or not say, "...Other things. But I don't kill. I'm not a monster"

"Why should I believe you?" Hoseok crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't care if you do. I am so sick of this world that I wish I could escape to another planet. But I'll go as far as I can"

It was strange, but Hoseok did believe him. His words, his look, his tired eyes. He knew how a murderer looked like, he knew how an evil person looked like. And this boy wasn't one. No, he looked more like a broken person who was finally giving up on life. It felt like looking in a mirror and he didn't know how to react to that. The boy was a reflection of himself, but the difference was Hoseok's freedom would come by ending his life and this boy's freedom seemed to be vanishing away from that country. Yeah, they were like a reflection from each other, and Hoseok couldn't stay angry or mad at him after that.

"I'll have that pizza" Hoseok finally spoke, as relaxed as he could be.

"Good!" the boy to exclaimed, turning OK his heels and heading the kitchen

Strange... Hoseok felt a complete relief and the idea of running away was slowly being eclipsed by a growing curiosity about the most wanted robber of the country. Hoseok followed him, entering the small room. The boy took out a box opening it on the table and took a slice of the cold pizza, sitting down on one of the chairs. Hoseok took a slice himself and leaned on the wall face to face with the curious guy.

"Where are your shoes" the boy mumbled mouth fool of food. It seemed like he was studying him carefully but Hoseok didn't care anymore. He was a stranger, why should he care?

"On the... bridge" he talked after thinking about it twice. I won't see him again, so it's okay.

"You like walking with bare feet in this cold? You're strange... What's your name?"

"Hoseok" He bit the pizza again and stayed quiet.

"I'm Yoongi. But I think you already knew that" he smiled behind a glass of water.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you, I think" he nodded at Yoongi and kept eating.

"Nice? You're a strange person" he chuckled. Wow. He's not even close to what I expected.

"You seem a nice person" A little weird and maybe psycho too. But nice.

"I was pointing you with a gun not long ago. And practically kidnapped you. And I'm a nice person?" now Hoseok caught his attention. Yoongi was staring at him with a funny smile on his lips, one that didn't match anything he showed earlier.

"I was about to jump from the bridge. This is better, I think" Hoseok had no idea why he told him, but he did, as casually as talking about the weather. As casually as talking to a friend. It has been time.

"Why?" Yoongi didn't even seemed surprised. Maybe he did see me.

"Why do you want to escape?" he tried changing the focused of the conversation off him.

"This world is full of shit. I'm not playing their game anymore" Yoongi groaned and opened the fridge, taking a couple of beers. He put one on the opposite side of the table and opened his. "Why do you want to jump?" he tried again.

"Because this world is full of shit and I'm sick of it"

Yoongi nodded and took a large sip of beer. Hoseok looked at his but didn't touch it. Its smell reminded him so much of his house and it was unbearable. 

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