Nathaniel's POV
"So, what're you guys talking about?" Jake asked the girls while taking the seat beside Cheska and us taking the other side.
"Nothing. Just girls stuff." Cheska smiled back and nodded to us.
"So, why are you here guys? Shouldn't you be in your usual spot instead of here?" The girl Bel asked.
Dummy. Isn't it obvious that Jake's trying to take a move at his dream girl here?
"Nah, we just figured we could spend some time with you guys. Since the lovebirds actually needs to bond too." Ian answered that dummy's question and winked at Jake.
"Right Jake?"
Jake nodded and let out a chuckle. So that's how a guy supposedly when in love. He keeps smiling.
"How about you two?" Lance the one to talk wiggled his eyebrows at Ian and Bel.
"What about us?" Bel snapped.
"Since when will you guys be currently in good terms huh?"
"Like that's ever gonna happen." Ian snorted.
Bel gave him a deathly glare and Ian, being Ian didn't take the matter seriously.
"Ooooh, Team Belian here we come!" The other girl Alexis teased making us laugh and made yee sounds.
"Yo bro, maybe this time you'll be the couple of the school. Yet again, the best!" Lance continued as he raised his coke up in the air making us raise ours too.
"Cheers!" All of us laughed in unison and gave high-fives to each other.
My eyes was set on the girl beside me and not notice it until the high-five thingy with Ashley. I didn't even know she was the one beside me. Well, who would know. She was quiet the whole time and sorry for I was having a good time with the guys.
She avoided my stare and so did I. I looked side ways the moment she resisted my eyes.
"You guys.. You really are over your gullible heads aren't you." Bel said and more like a statement than a question.
"What? It's kinda nice you know. I think we'll be more often with you guys." Ian teased making Bel more furious than before.
Jake smirked at the girl sitting beside him. "More like everyday."
I was kinda shocked of that retort but more shocked of Ashley speaking up at the same time as mine.
"It's cool. Our group is bigger now and more of a bit cozy." Jake replied at our retorts and not minding us two looking at each other.
"Oh yes!" I heard Ck bothered into joining the conversation and emphasizing his words.
But nonetheless I ignored every part of their continued teasing conversations and was laid on the eyes beside me as she stared back. I don't know what's happening on that head of hers but all of us together everyday is really not a good idea of hiding our marriage thingy. Especially now that we can't even look away at each other's eyes can really make them suspicious.
Suddenly I heard Bel's teasing next and finally, Ashley looked away.
"Let's get to business! Ck? Kaye?"
The two dim heads looked startled and backs being straightened. Especially Kaye.
"Now now, don't be shy." I said as I smirked at Ck because probably I was the only one who knew about his romantic stings.

The Perfect Daughter
عاطفية"How come you love me that much." I said. "You're the only girl I've ever fell inlove with and No one can ever have me to fall for them." He replied. I can feel his love wrapping around me everytime and I know I love him too. A field trip in Junior...